I could hate my mother

I could hate my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm latechild . MyMy mother gave birth to me at 42. She had an unsuccessful marriage, and then she divorced and from her friend gave birth to me. We have a great relationship with my father. Now my mother is 77 years old. A year ago, she began to lose her memory and feel bad.

Over time, little things turned into real problems, and she even became dangerous. To leave the house, I had to turn off the gas, turn off the water, hide the handles from the windows. Several times neighbors complained about the smell of gas. Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

She could talk at night, show aggression towards me, call me names, mutilate herself. I was going to get married, but I had to postpone for a while, my fiance understood everything. I don’t have children, but that’s good, otherwise I would have to be torn between them and my mother.

It is difficult to find a good nurse, and my mother did not make contact. She only listened to me. When my nerves gave out, I yelled at her. She was crying, I was sorry. Nerves give up instantly, and you just start to hate the person.

One day my father came to visit test-antibiotic.commother and told me that it is worth deciding and taking a step. So he put her in a boarding school. Felt bad. Didn't sleep, didn't eat. I always wanted to run and see how she was there. Came to her three days later. She didn't want to see me.

Arrived a week later and everything seems to be fine. She hardly recognizes me. He may ask: “How is Misha, did he come from school?” Apparently, the memory remained the memory that I was a schoolboy. I'm sure she'll be better off at boarding school.

Sometimes we need to think about ourselves, not about relatives. My father said that looking at my mother, who was not all right in the head, I would waste my life. Now I visit my mother every weekend. She sometimes cries. Sorry, I'm not arguing. But I can no longer clean up after her and listen to curses in my direction. I will take her home when she is already quite weak. A person must die at home.

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