I learned to ignore my wife's parents

I learned to ignore my wife's parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I got married, I didn’t even imagine that there could be any layers in the relationship with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Everything seemed rosy to me. But everything turned out differently, much worse than I could even imagine.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law lived as their own family and everything they were used to was considered obligatory for everyone, including me. Any little thing that did not correspond to their way of life was perceived by them as a threat to their existence. The scandals were daily and only ended when my wife and I separated, making a second exit from the house. After a lot of time has passed, and I have already been married for 31 years, I can only give advice to all men who are going to live with their parents, especially wives, do not do this. This can destroy not only the family, but alsolife . Once upon a time Imy father said that before you get married, you need to think about where you will bring your wife, but I listened to my wife, not him. She insisted that the house was big, she was alone with her parents, what was the point of paying rent.

After test-antibiotic.com conflicts began, accusations that I did not build this house, did not investmoney , I told my wife that we either move or get a divorce. But at that moment I found out that shepregnant ​We stayed, deciding that after the birth of the child we would look for housing. But when the grandson was born, the father-in-law and mother-in-law calmed down, they were afraid that we would take the grandson away. During this time, I had already built a summer kitchen, a bathhouse, I was doing renovations, it was a pity to give up. Then the second one was bornson , and I realized that we will not leave here anywhere and we need to somehow make peace. My wife went to work, it was convenient, the children were with their grandparents, still better than kindergarten. And so the years passed. Now I really regret that I lived like this, all the time, like in someone else’s house, where you have no right to anything. Over the years, I simply stopped paying attention to my wife’s parents and learned to ignore them. But my wife and I bought our own apartments for our sons so that they wouldn’t live with strangers like me. The farther, the closer.

Now the mother-in-law is already trying to please, but for me she remains a stranger and a quarrelsome person. I simply ignore her, especially since two rooms were added to the house and a separate exit was made. My father-in-law often comes to sit and talk, but I say he’s busy. I have nothing to talk about with him, except to remember how they oppressed me all these years, realizing that I would not abandon my family.

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