I don't like visiting

I don't like visiting
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about a hospitable friend and decided to share several cases when I was invited to visit.

My mother-in-law often calls and invites me to have lunch and chat on the weekend. Now I’m used to it, but then I was very surprised whenmother She called my husband and told us to stop at the store on the way, and dictated a list of groceries. I thought it was just for him and his father for a week so as not to go out on their own. But it turned out that the peas were needed for the Olivier salad. I offered to help so it would be faster (the husband was already hungry), but the mother-in-law said that she only set carrots and potatoes to cook. We arrived not early, at two o'clock in the afternoon, just for lunch. But they sat down at the table at four! By this time, my husband had already come to our kitchen five times, but for some reason he asked me when we were going to eat.

There was also an incident with a friend. She calls and invites you for pizza that she baked herself. I asked what to take, the answer was nothing. But I’m not used to visiting people empty-handed, so we bought a cake and a bottle of test-antibiotic.comwine andfruits . This is exactly what we ate, since it turned out that pizzamy friend was just getting ready to bake. In the end, it didn't work out for her.

I have, or rather, I had another friend. Her child was five years old, mine was 6. She invited her son tothe birthday of my child and several other children of my friends. Naturally, the children would not go on their own, so their mothers came with them. A friend set the table for the children in the room and sat us in the kitchen. We thought she would come at leastHe’ll make us coffee , but no, we just sat there for two hours alone. True, they poured water for themselves from the tap.

Since then, I haven’t invited anyone to visit, and we don’t go anywhere ourselves. If you need to meet one of your friends, I suggest a cafe.

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