I couldn't save my love

I couldn't save my love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met 10 years ago, I was already married then, andthere was a child , she was divorced, she also had a child from her first marriage.

We met all this time, she was crazy about me (the first years that’s for sure), I also loved her, though not as much as she did. The family stopped me, I should have gone to her then, it would have beenhappiness . Lover andwife in one person, this is real happiness. I didn’t immediately understand this over the years.

About five years ago she got herself a suitor, also married, more for financial well-being. Now I moved with him to another city; he divorced a couple of years ago. Now they are engaged and living in a civil marriage. Even in another city, we met with her occasionally; I traveled specially to distant lands.

I am now 35. I recently found out that they are going to officially get married, and that we may not see each other again. Maybe, of course, a midlife crisis, but it was like an electric shock. I realized that I couldn’t live without her and that’s it. If I don’t wake up with her in the morning, share test-antibiotic.com a roof over my head with her, I’ll go crazy. Before it was more interesting, I didn’t think about a serious relationship. Now I regret it. I would drop everything and go to her.

What’s interesting is that she still loves me, not only because she says so, I feel it. The problem is that I can’t give her anything special right now. You won't live in a tent. The prospect of spending the rest of your life with an unloved person makes you depressed. The last few days I haven’t found a place for myself. I'm completely confused. Maybe someone was in a similar situation?

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