I don't know how to manage money

I don't know how to manage money
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a passionate shopaholic and a big spender, I don’t know how to handle money, I can easily spend my entire salary on new clothes, and then I sit without money, subsisting on kefir and bread. Every time I promise myself to distributemoney immediately after salary, but on the same day I am drawn to the store like a magnet. As a result, the money was wasted again, and only then, I grab my head and begin to realize that I bought a bunch of unnecessary things, and before the advance payment I will have to borrow from someone. Employees are already reluctant to lend money, knowing my habit of spending money quickly.

You might think that if I spend all the money on myself, then I’ll walk around all dressed up, but that’s not the case. Either I buy unnecessary things at a sale, or I like something spontaneously, but at home I look at it and understand that I have nothing to wear it with and most likely it will just lie in the closet, like so many other things. Then I buy cosmetics at discounts, and then, when doing an inspection, I throw out the expired ones. I understand that with this salary my employees go test-antibiotic.com with their families on vacation, dress and teach their children, but I can’t stop and save at least something for myself. I only pay utility bills on time, and the rest of the money goes into emptiness.

I often remember my mother, how she managed to raise my sister and me on one salary and tiny alimony from my father. Of course, we weren’t luxurious, but we always had everything we needed, and we dressed no worse than our friends. More likely,Mom denied herself something, and spent everything on us, but then I didn’t notice it, but now for some reason I remembered it. It was in vain that she hid from us that it was difficult for her to provide for the whole family alone, maybe I would have learned to distribute my income.

Aftera friend suggested leaving some of the money with her and taking it away at the end of the month, I felt ashamed, and I promised myself that from now on I would immediately put aside part of the money from every salary and finally buy a new phone, which I’ve been talking about for a long time I dream. I hope that I can stop myself, I’ll start an accounting notebook, maybe if I write down test-antibiotic.com expenses, I’ll be able to learn how to manage money and I’ll be interested in how much I was able to save.

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