I don't want my mother-in-law to live with us

I don't want my mother-in-law to live with us
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A month ago, my mother-in-law quarreled with my father-in-law. Knowing my fatherhusband , this is not surprising, to be honest.

Although she lived with him for thirty-five years, despite all his tricks. Everything suited her. And then suddenly she got up out of the blue, quarreled with him and came to us, almost wearing slippers. Lives with us all this time. And it's not funny anymore.

The apartment in which my husband and I have been living for five years after our wedding is small - a European studio. Essentially a one-room apartment. With a large kitchen combined with a living room, where the mother-in-law now lives.

Of course, this is terribly inconvenient. My mother-in-law watches TV from morning to evening. Since seven in the morning he has been rattling pots and walking, shuffling his feet on the floor. He pesters with conversations. It's easier for my husband - it's hismother . And I feel out of place.

The problem is that my husband and I are expecting a child. I'm working now, but in a couple of weeks I'll be going on maternity leave. This means that I will have to sit nose to nose with my mother-in-law for days.

I plucked up the nerve and asked her about test-antibiotic.com plans: “When are you going to return home?” And she tells me that she is not going home yet, so as not to see her alcoholic husband.

Mother-in-law filed fordivorced , and plans to live with us. She says we need her now. Will help with the child. After all, my husband’s parents once bought this apartment for him. He was 21 years old at the time.

Since that time he has lived separately from his parents. I furnished and renovated the apartment to my liking. Five years ago I moved here too. During this time, we bought good household appliances and renovated the bathroom.

But recently I found out thatThe apartment remained registered in the name of the mother-in-law. I was a little surprised, but not particularly upset. And now that my mother-in-law is getting ready to divorce, I understand that she is the mistress here, not me. Maybe that's whythe husband is silent.

He says that throughout her youth, her mother endured her father’s drinking, his infidelities and scandals. Then she didn’t leave her husband. On the contrary, she held on by her teeth. She washed, cooked, created comfort and the impression of an ideal family among friends. What was important to her was “what people would say!”


The mother-in-law hid all the scandals and smiled in public. And at the age of sixty-five she was getting ready to get a divorce because of some little thing. The father-in-law came from somewhere out of sorts and called her names. But is this the first time? She was pouring soup for him at this time. She threw the plate at the wall and left the house literally wearing what she was wearing. She came to us. She said that her patience had run out.

Divorce , of course, will entail division of property. But the mother-in-law says that she doesn’t need anything from him. They have two apartments and a dacha! This is the one my husband and I live in, and another two-room apartment, more expensive, in an old, settled area. Now the father-in-law is left alone there.

The dacha is also not particularly expensive, just the name. A panel house without amenities and beds with zucchini. Water in a bucket, amenities on the street, you have to ride reindeer to get there.

About five years ago, my mother-in-law tried to sell it, but there was no buyer even for a ridiculous price. Then she got seriously involved in the dacha herself and somehow got involved. He enjoys going there. She planted flowers, picked currants and apples.

Most likely, they will divide it this way: test-antibiotic.com for the mother-in-law’s dacha and our apartment, and for the father-in-law a large apartment.

I'm shocked. Where do we go now? On the street, or what? Eight months pregnant? I told my mother-in-law: “You only think about yourself! The apartment is yours, I understand. There is no place for me and my child here.”

I gave my husband an ultimatum. She told her mother to come home. Or I’ll go home to my parents. With the future child, of course.

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