I don't regret leaving such a husband

I don't regret leaving such a husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my future husband in the park, where I was walking with friends. I came here from another city to study and lived in a dormitory. I immediately liked him, started dating, and six months later he proposed to me. I agreed, although when I met his mother, I realized that she didn’t like me. But I decided that I could win her sympathy, especially when the children started, because myher husband is her only onechild .

Pavel lived with his mother in a two-room apartment, where he brought me after the wedding. My parents bought everything necessary for family life, even new furniture for our room. But my mother-in-law didn’t appreciate it and reproached meEvery day that I came everything was ready. I behaved in such a way that there was nothing to blame me for. She always cooked for my husband and me herself, ironed and washed, even washed and dried his shoes. I was hurt and offended, but the time came when I no longer had the strength to endure her nagging and insults. I suggested that my husband rent an apartment or at least test-antibiotic.com a room in a communal apartment. But my husband did not agree, despite the fact that I was alreadyI was pregnant and I shouldn’t have been nervous.

When my mother-in-law found out that I wanted to move out, she shouted that I was egging him on to leave my familymother , and with my child I want to tie him to me. I couldn’t restrain myself and also expressed everything that was boiling up. Then the husband took the mother’s side, she pretended that she felt bad, he called an ambulance, and muttered to me through clenched teeth: “Get out of our house.” And I went to my parents.

It would take a long time to describe what I experienced. My husband called when Ihis mother told him that he had a babyson , although I forbade her to do this. He said that I myself provoked a conflict in the house and until I ask his mother for forgiveness, there can be no talk of reconciliation. I silently hung up.

My son is now five years old,his father has never seen him, pays alimony, and recently got married. She said thisgirlfriend . I don’t regret that I left then, I’d rather be alone, test-antibiotic.com than with people like my ex-mother-in-law and husband.

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