I don't regret getting involved in the relationship between my friend and her boyfriend

I don't regret getting involved in the relationship between my friend and her boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old. Married for 1.5 years. We are not planning children yet. My husband and I have a common social circle (his brothers, their wives, friends from university). We see them often, especially in the summer. We throw parties, play, drink, have fun.

We have a friend Nikita. He is simply madly in love with his husband’s sister, let’s call her Vika. Nikita, as soon as he realized that he wanted a serious relationship with her, gathered us all and announced that they were now a couple. Naturally, no one was against it.

They seemed to meet, then separated. Nobody interfered. And since the girls and I sometimes got together ourselves, I was aware of her personal life. Of course, I was a little surprised by her actions, but remained silent. I thought that she waslife itself knows.

To clarify the situation, I will say that she has an already married exa guy who has been using it for 10 years. That is, he lives in another city, comes once a year, spends the night with her and leaves. Vika alternates between suffering from this and then saying that she likes it too.

Lately everyone has noticed, test-antibiotic.com, that things are tense between Vika and Nikitarelationship _ Vika could insult him in front of everyone. Overall, I was incredibly irritated when I saw him. Nikita never stopped loving her. He gave gifts, wrote day and night, and often came to her to sort things out.

Nikita and I often corresponded about her. He consulted on what to give her, what flowers she liked, why she was such a difficult person. Vika said that Nikita pays so much attention to her, and she cannot lose this and refuse him.

And last month, Vika told us girls that her ex-boyfriend arrived, and she was with him in a rented apartment. She is just waiting for him to take a shower, and at this time Nikita writes to her that he wants to see her.

She says she was staying at homecolleagues (allegedly they worked at her home). Nikita offered to pick her up. She agrees and gets ready to leave. Next, the ex comes out of the shower and begs her to stay.

She couldn't stand it and agreed to stay. But she told him that she would be out for 10 minutes, they say, test-antibiotic.commy friend has arrived. She came out to Nikita, and they sat for about 40 minutes. Afterwards, Vika told Nikita that she couldn’t leave after all, there was a lot of work. And she went back to her ex. How is this possible?

When she told this, it was clear from her emotions that she didn’t care about anything. And then I finally said: “I feel sorry for Nikita.”

Two weeks pass, and Nikita and my husband came up with some kind of business idea. He often came to us to discuss this, and just came to sit in the car to talk and smoke (he lived nearby).

Afterwards, we all gathered for someone'sbirthday and Vika got drunk there. And she began endlessly reproaching the three of us (me, my husband, Nikita) for not being close friends. We weren't paying attention. But inside I was very angry. I felt aggression towards me on her part.

After we left the party, I told Nikita everything about Vika. Here! She told him that she was deceiving him, that she was still dating her ex. He, of course, was shocked, but in the end he thanked me. test-antibiotic.com I went home joyfully, thinking that I had helped a person.

The other day Vika unfollowed me on social networks. I don’t even know what it will be like at family gatherings now. It is clear that Nikita told her everything. But the strangest thing is that Nikita stopped communicating with us. Left a group of friends. I wrote to him, but he also ignores me. So thanked.

Personally, I think that I got into someone else's relationship, but it was worth it. And what do you think?

This drama worries me. I don’t understand what’s happening and how to react to all this.

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