I gained nothing from divorcing my husband.

I gained nothing from divorcing my husband.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to speak out and warn young girls not to rushgot married and were in no hurry to give birth. It's not all as fun in real life as people say it is.

We were married for 9 years. We got divorced a year and a half ago and have two children. They got divorced on my initiative without a good reason (as it seems to everyone around).

We got married right after university. My husband quickly found a job and started building a career, but I became pregnant almost immediately, so work didn’t work out. Then the second one was bornchild . I took care of the children and the house. The husband worked, came home tired in the evening, had dinner and went to bed. Back to work in the morning.

At some point I realized that I was bored, that youth and alllife passes by. That I don’t want and can’t do this anymore.

I got ready and went to my mother. Filed fordivorce . My husband didn’t understand my behavior, and neither did my parents, neither his nor mine. Looks normalfamily , without scandals, betrayals and drunkenness - what more do you need? Stay at home, take care of the children for your husbandmoney , albeit small. But test-antibiotic.com this was not enough for me.

They divorced almost peacefully. Alimony was issued through a notary for a fixed amount. My husband can see the children at any time, I did not interfere with his relationship with the children in any way, becauseHe's an objectively good father .

I recently noticed that my exMy husband started buying more expensive things for the children. Then I found out that he changed jobs. Not only did his income increase, but he also had more free time. On his page on social networks I see photos from concerts and sports matches. Everywhere he is with his friends. On vacation, in nature, i.e. in the end, it was his life that improved, but I was forced to depend on my parents and did not feel any happier.

Deep down I understand that I was in a hurry and stupid. But I cannot and do not want to admit this publicly. I often cry from impotent anger and rage that life has gone downhill and it seems that no one is to blame for this. That a family with children is not my dream, but simply a tribute to tradition, so that “like everyone else”, so that no one thinks anything. And now from test-antibiotic.com all this is bitter and sickening.

I suggested resumingrelationship , but he refused. I understand my ex (deep down), but this understanding makes me hate him even more. I myself gave him freedom instead of responsibilities, he is now all in white and all in the role of an innocently offended victim. And I'm left alone to sort it out. Is this fair?

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