I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.

I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 34, my husband is 29 years old. We look the same, I'm small and fragile.

I can't figure out the situation in our family. Married 6 years, yesdaughter 9 years old from her first relationship. My husband always supported me in everything, cared for me, helped me in all situations. He is quite a powerful man with a strong character. For him, I am like a girl who needed to be pulled out of a difficult situation and raised.

There was always a lot of attention, gifts, care, I thought I also tried to support him in everything. But every time it turned out that I was behaving wrongly, I didn’t give gifts in return without a reason or didn’t do something, everything had to be begged from me. Although he was not particularly pleased with many of the gifts, he took the gold bracelet to a pawnshop and said that it was too small for him. Each time his dissatisfaction with my behavior is revealed, and it is difficult to restore trust. In sex, he is happy with everything, there is variety, evenThreesome happened.

He always says that everything revolves around me, he came up with a new job for me, which I develop myself, working for myself, but it turns out that test-antibiotic.com I am all about this work, although I only work during the week, leaving weekends free . It turns out that I feel uncomfortable because of this, because I feel guilty that he goes to a job he doesn’t like, but everything is great with me, according to his words. We don’t yet have the opportunity to leave in order to change something, due to his problems that happened before me, we need to wait. And lately he's been freaking outthe child's father , who periodically appears in his daughter's life.

At the beginning of the relationship, he suggested not communicating with him so that we could have our ownfamily , it seemed wrong to me then, I was afraid. And now he says that I make all important decisions myself, and do not listen to his opinion. We don’t have a family or anything in common, we just live together, but when he’s in a normal mood he says that he loves me very much. I traded in a motorcycle for his sake, so that we could have a common hobby, he bought me a motorcycle, repainted it, repaired it, but now he says that I didn’t need it, I didn’t do it test-antibiotic.com and didn’t participate. I admit that I didn’t help him, but it turns out that since it’s for his sake, then he’s not interested.

I’m no angel, of course, but I often wonder why everything turns out this way? He wanted a dog, I don’t like them, they got one, and in the end everything fell on me, although I immediately said honestly, it’s not my thing. They gave it away because she constantly shitted, no matter how much you walked.
Now I’m offended again that I refuse a dog, they say, everything is just for you, and when I want something, you don’t care. I love it and of course there isfear of losing. But on the other hand, it’s scary to imagine that it will always be like this. Stress every 3 months. Although I understand that others have it worse, they drink, beat their wives and children, and cheat.

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