I moved away from my husband and switched to another man

I moved away from my husband and switched to another man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'll start mineconfession that I am a married woman, married for 12 years, there isdaughter . And one day I went into a chat and met a man. For a long time we communicated just like ordinary people, there was nothing personal between us. He is married, also married for 10 years, and has a daughter.

Then we exchanged photos and we developed a mutual attraction. We began to get used to each other, we could no longer live without communication. It was so drawn out that I myself did not expect that mylife can turn around 180 degrees.

Then the firstconfession of falling in love, we later communicated as people who cannot live without each other. After six months of communication, we saw each other. It took me a long time to decide on this, because I had never communicated or met with anyone like that. Since my husband and I have long been estranged from each other, because of this communication, I probably switched to another man.

We started seeing him, very rarely, of course, once every three months somewhere. And all of this, test-antibiotic.com, drew me and him in even more.

We wanted to tell our other halves, and that's what we did. And then these dramas began... Life was stressful for a very long time.

After a year of our communication, he invited me to live with him, he wanted more from me. I haven’t made up my mind all the time and still haven’t made up my mind.

It's been a year and a half now and I'm donerelationship – I couldn’t imagine living in another country with my daughter.

There were a lot of nuances, a lot. I won't describe it. But I will say one thing: I miss him now. I know that he feels bad and I don’t know how to get through this period.

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