I realized that I still don’t love my husband

I realized that I still don’t love my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This summer I met a guy. Everything happened quickly and spontaneously. I was in a hurry to go to work and walked very quickly. On the left side there was a row of shops from which he and his friend came out. We locked eyes. I paid attention to them so eagerly because they were both wearing black glasses, just like in the matrix. I still remember thinking: “Some strange types.” HisThe reaction did not take long. He immediately asked: “Do you need a security guard girl?” I turned around (because I was in a hurry and overtook them by several steps) smiled and said: “no, thank you.”

My fast step was stopped by a traffic light, and that’s where we met. Leaving him with my phone number, we went in different directions. For some reason I didn’t expect his calls and texts. I simply had no time for him in those minutes, because my whole head was loaded with work. But he, on the contrary, apparently, I charmed him so much that he made himself known every hour until the evening. I was alarmed by his persistence and at the same time flattered. After all, no one has looked after me for test-antibiotic.com for so long.

We met in the evening. He was a little strange. He gave me a bouquet of roses, but without packaging, which surprised me. But I didn’t focus too much on this. Lets'go to Cafe. He kept telling me everything about himself, this alarmed me too, but at the same time it aroused interest. The stories of his past are very vague and somewhat terrible. At some moments I wanted to get up and leave, but I didn’t, I just wondered what would happen next. This went on for about a month. There were often moments when I just wanted to turn around and leave. But it was already too late, although I didn’t know it yet.

Everything happened quickly for us. A week after we met, he proposed to me, and four days later I responded positively, but before that heevery day he constantly interrogated me, was very nervous and demanding at times, which again alarmed me, but after a few minutes he changed into a normal person, as if someone was possessing him. And also test-antibiotic.com 2 days later, I found out thatpregnant ​To be honest, I was very happy. And I didn’t care so much whether I would be with him or not, but the very fact that God allowed me to be a mother made me very happy.

When I told him, he was no less happy than me. And in general, from the first minute after our intimacy, he told me: “That’s it, you got it. Now someone lives there." I scolded him, and I didn’t believe him until I checked. After another three weeks we moved to another city. It was a mutual desire. I didn’t want to stay in the city where I lived at that time. And his business trip was ending, and he offered to move to his city. Naturally I agreed, andmy own sister lives there (my parents are in another city, but I often went to see them, now less often, very far away). AllMy friends and acquaintances naturally stayed there, it didn’t really upset me, but I knew that I would miss it.

In general, ourLife can't be called sweet right now. I really test-antibiotic.com doubt whether I want to be with him, and why fate sent him to me. Overall he's not bad. But there are a few downsides that put me off it. I have a higher education and a good upbringing. Of course, I didn’t lead an ideal life before him, but it is radically different from his life. He led a robber and negligent life, accustomed to easy money. In principle, in recent years he earned money in a normal way, but he still got it easier than now, as he says.

Several times phrases came out of his mouth, they say, I’m stopping him from making money in other ways, that he doesn’t want tothe child was responsible for this. Of course, this is good, but will it always be like this? As they say, if an idea gets into your head, then it will come true someday. What should I do? Should I wait for this moment? And one more minus. He is very nervous and therefore he seeks relaxation in smoking or drinking beer. He definitely needs one of these two components. At most it lasts for 3-4 days, and if he doesn’t get something from test-antibiotic.com, he automatically gets nervous and loses his temper over every little thing. How many conversations were held on this topic, I told him that he had a lot of energy and he needed to channel it in the right direction. He understands everything, but doesn’t do it, because bad habits are much easier.

We haven’t signed yet, I’m in no hurry, I don’t want to. To be honest, now I really doubt whether I want to be with him. I catch myself thinking that I would pack my things and leave right now, but where? This is exactly what stops me, I don’t want to be on my mother’s neck, because I won’t be able to work fully. And I don’t want to deprive him of fatherhood, because he wants this child. I don’t know what to do. Wait? Or quit? I don’t believe that everything will change dramatically. He’s already approaching 30. If he were 20, one could still hope, but that’s unlikely? Child? I think it will only change for a while.

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