I'm in hell and I don't know how to get out of there

I'm in hell and I don't know how to get out of there
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm tired. It all started when I started dating him back in December 2010. He didn't love me, friends came first. And so for three years, without meeting his parents, without registering and meeting his friends.

One day, he asked me to help him with his pension, make an application for the bank for his mother. And then, I took advantage of my official position, looked at his mother’s card and knew that she was in the group. Naturally, I didn’t ask anything; everything became clear later, in May 2014, when she died of cancer before reaching the clinic. Naturally, I helped him a lot, passed on food, worried, was a support, support.

He began to live with dad. A year later, his grandmother’s grandfather dies, and they decide to take her with them. They were renovating her apartment so that he could live there with his girlfriend. My mother and I began to actively help buy furniture and equipment there, he was not against it. Talk began about test-antibiotic.com wedding, but only at the level of conversation. And everything seems to be fine, but in 2017 his dad unexpectedly dies, I have to go to him, cook food for him and his grandmother. We decide to renovate his apartment, my parents spend all their efforts, they donate money, my entire salary goes towards repairs. In October 2018, we had a wedding (for mymoney ). And then it began.

I always knew that he was a difficult person, it was not easy to be with him. But we have to live with our grandmother, she dismantled the entire living room, there are constant crumbs in the new six-month-old kitchen, a dirty toilet. SoEvery day you come home from work - there is stench and dirt. She doesn't wash or brush her teeth. Every day brings new “surprises”. Once I arrived, the entire bathtub was covered in crap. She told her husband, he protects her, never tells her anything. The last straw was when she cut my new countertop with a knife in the kitchen. I cried all evening, to which he again did not say anything to her, and this is my and my parents’ money and strength. Man, unfortunately, does not value anything. test-antibiotic.com Sometimes the gas doesn’t close, I lost my new refrigerator.

When I give her something to eat, she constantly says that wow, that’s a lot, although I pour half a portion, she eats it all, but still says that it’s a lot. Then there is a whole day and still, instead of thank you, it’s her “wow”, just bottomless everything. When you pour the tea, you also put in a lot of leaves and poured in a lot of water.

I'm so tired of this carousel. Do you think I need living space? No, I don't need it, I have my own. The most offensive thing is that she has a son who doesn’t need her and his ownapartment where we are finishing the renovation, becausemy husband said so, although he won’t get it, and I don’t need it either. I want to get a divorce. Oh yes, I can’t do anything in this house. I don't even know where the thread and needle are.

What to do, what to do?

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