I've lost hope and I'm just going with the flow

I've lost hope and I'm just going with the flow
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm lonely, I don't have a man. I have already lost hope of arranging my personallife _ Until the age of 30, I was actively pursuing a career and studying, because I believed that a woman should also build a base for her future life and get an education (which is what I did). Now I'm in a good position.

When I was young, 20-28 years old, I was actively invited on dates, courted, and shown attention by both single and even married men. I avoided married people and believed that interfering with someone else’s family was a great sin. And those men who were free either weren’t suitable, or weren’t particularly attractive, or after several dates we both realized that we weren’t suitable for each other. This went on for about 30 years.

No, I wasn’t looking for a prince on a horse, like a handsome and rich princess. I was just looking for a man with whom we would be suitable for each other. Like two halves of one whole. I wanted to find my man. I didn’t find it until I was 30. And after 30 years, men’s interest in me subsided sharply. I was no longer invited on dates, no one showed signs of attention to test-antibiotic.com, no one writes on social networks. I just stopped being interesting. As if it were personalthe relationship was taboo.

33 years old is still relatively young. I still hope to find minelove . Yes Yes. Some may now laugh that at 33 years old you can be so naive. But every year life shows the opposite. A friend who hasmy husband tells me to take someone who will pay attention and not look for anything else and build a relationship with him. Even if it's notbeloved person. Because the biological clock is ticking, and looking for love at my age is late and irrational.

But I simply cannot deceive either him or myself. She also said that perhaps I don’t have charisma, and that’s why men are not interested in me. I used to take it when I was young, but now it’s age and other thingsattitude towards life. So the circle is closed.

I do not know what to do. Can leave everything as it is, andgo with the flow . Whatever will be will be. And if I test-antibiotic.com suddenly find someone, I’m not sure that I will be able to like and keep this man. And all because she was unaccustomed to male attention and forgot how to behave with men in such a way that he would like it.

Can someone here give me some advice? And are there any women you know with a similar situation like mine?

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