I realized late how much I love my husband

I realized late how much I love my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. I lived with a guy who drank a lot and, as is our custom, beat me.

One fine day he simply took an aluminum mop stick and once again began to educate me. Mainly aimed at the face. All this happened in a rented apartment. The neighbors simply did not pay attention to it, except for one person. He was just walking past home (he lived in a neighboring apartment, I just knew about him, he was about 30 years old and he hadson from his first marriage who lives with him).

He walked past and heard me screaming, he opened the door. I was scared of him then, perhaps more than when they beat me with a stick. A huge guy with hair almost to his waist just flies into the apartment, grabs Vitalya and simply throws him on the floor, throws a blanket over me and takes me to his home.

He immediately brings almost all my things from Vitali with the words “get dressed, spend the night here and in the morning we will find your parents. You’ll go home, there’s no point in living with this.” test-antibiotic.com In the end, we stayed together, and six months later we got married. My mother adores him, despite the fact that he is 8 years older than me. We lived together for more than a year. I remember I was stunned when his son Roma called me mom for the first time. He was 7 years old then. Eventually, I started to think that everything I did was just to thank him for saving me.

God, what scandals I made for him, but he never insulted me, never yelled at me. I realized how much I love him and how much I need him only after he was diagnosed with lung cancer. His long hair is gone, he is constantly vomiting due to the medications and will soon be undergoing surgery. In general, what is this all about? Don't leave your loved ones, otherwise you may lose them forever.

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