I separated my husband from his mistress, but I can’t forgive him

I separated my husband from his mistress, but I can’t forgive him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Myconfession is not original, thousands of women face betrayalhusband and somehow continue to live with it. But I’ll try to talk it out, maybe it will help dull mypain .

Imarried for 25 years. We have an adultson , lives separately with his girlfriend, comes home 2 times a month.

My husband and I lived an average life. Just recently I found out about all his infidelities, and it was not by chance that I found out. There have been 7 betrayals over the years. The husband hid them very carefully, but the latter put an end to it. It got to the point where he kicked me out of the apartment. I have nowhere to go -his apartment . He humiliated me a lot, beat me, and I hid it all from everyone. Modern methods make it possible to listen to all telephone conversations. It was a nightmare! The mistress demanded that he leave his wife. She hasfamily -husband and two children.

When my husband beat me, she suggested how to beat and humiliate me in order tothe wife left. I told him, if you can’t kick your wife out yourself, then I’ll come with my friend, beat her and kick her out. Her husband has been openly communicating with her on the phone for the last six months. test-antibiotic.com She often sent her photos to her husband, but one day I saw it. There was a scandal. The husband stopped communicating with all relatives and son, because everyone told him that she was a wanderer. Even his friends said that she has three people like himevery day .

We had familymoney - he gave everything to her, took out loans, because the salary was small, and he needed money to go out. He helped his mistress so that she would not deny herself anything. She told him over the phone how to mock his wife and he did it, I personally heard everything.

Then she wanted her husband to sell the apartment and move with her to another city, because... she really needed money, but due to circumstances, her husband was unable to sell the apartment.

I went to see my son and friends for the weekend, but didn’t tell anyone anything. When one day I told my friend about everything, she suggested the following plan of action. My friend and I went to my mistress’s work and they insulted her worse than ever. Then they went to the mistress’s husband and posted all the information on test-antibiotic.com.

At first he simply did not believe that their relationship with my husband had been going on for 8 years. Words of a mistress: “I spent 8 years of my life on you, and you feed me breakfast.” It got to the point that the mistress’s husband called my husband and asked how it happened for them and what special signs were on his wife’s body (tattoo on her butt). My husband confirmed because he was drunk. After this huge scandal, the lovers separated.

5 months have passed. My husband has changed and asks for forgiveness. Now we live like in a fairy tale: my husband does everything to make me forget the pain he caused, he says that he loves me. Home, work, family, one might say, constantly carry me in their arms. But this pain eats me up, my health has deteriorated, and most importantly, I no longer believe him.

I know you think I'm stupid, but I love him very much. And now that everything is fine, I doubt whether to continuerelationship . CanDoes a man love his wife after such a long relationship or is this a deception so that I don’t leave? test-antibiotic.com I don't know.

PS I was once very strong, but after everything I heard, I broke down. There was even a period when I didn’t want to live. Believe me, it’s a shame to even write all the dirt.

I want to hear people’s feedback: can a person change or is it all just an act? My husband assures me that he didn’t understand what he was doing, asks for forgiveness, says that he loves me (even when he’s very drunk). But 8 years of betrayal is not 8 days. I don’t know if I can trust him again.

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