I stopped loving a girl and left her, accusing her of cheating

I stopped loving a girl and left her, accusing her of cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A few years ago my beloved left meyoung woman . I thought I was going crazy and took the stupid advice to immerse myself inrelationship with another. It took me quite a long time to achieve it, and then I quickly realized that the prize was not worth the candle.

She is a kind and smart girl, but I didn't love her. Leansex , boredom, relationships according to the scheme. I would have left her long ago, but I paused to think through a humane way of retreat. The fact is that she is very vulnerable and affectionate, she was knocked out of life for a long time after her past novels. It turned out that she warmed me up, and I gave her hell.

At some point, her behavior changed: she began to stay late at work, stuck to the computer, and became cold. And soon after that, I heard her actively exchanging text messages in the bathroom. As if as a joke, I picked up the phone to inquire, and she had a real panic. I didn’t read it; I immediately realized that I had been cuckolded.

I could barely restrain myself from starting to dance. I told her that I had no complaints against her, test-antibiotic.com that I had cooled off towards her and had long wanted to leave her. She didn’t make a scene and silently let him go.

Having thrown off the burden from my shoulders, I went my way with a clear conscience. But recently it hit me like a club on the head: what if she was just corresponding there with some friend and was scared because of the upcoming scene of unreasonable jealousy, and not because of the fear of exposure? If so, then I went and accused an innocent person of anything!

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