I stopped loving my husband after having children.

I stopped loving my husband after having children.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was inspired to tell my story herea girl who wrote that she hates her child because she no longer belongs to herself after giving birth to him. Let me make a reservation right away: I love my children very much, but I hatehusband , because we wanted children together, but I gave birth and carried them alone. And at that time he was studying, working, walking, and what was I doing at that time? I babysat the children, I endured all this, because I was in a dependent position on him, I missed all my chances with a good job and study because of my family, and at that time I took care of the home. And now the children are older, the youngest has already gone to kindergarten.

And then I realized that I also wanted to live like everyone else, I wanted to work, I wanted to do something else besides my family, for myself. I went to a dance, and enrolled the kids in different clubs, I made new friends (let me clarify that we moved to a foreign city several years ago, and it so happened that there was no one to talk to except the salespeople in the store and, test-antibiotic .com of course, husband). It was then that he suddenly came to his senses, fidgeted, noticed us, suddenly became too helpful and sweet, except that he began to look at my mouth, but he realized it too late, I had long been tired of his pretense.

I just want to ask, where were you when I was pregnant? Or when was the baby born? He, of course, came home after work, ate, slept, was present purely symbolically in the house, but there was no help from him, not even moral. And now suddenly I get such attention from him. I don't know what to do next? I don’t know how to tell him that I don’t love him anymore, I don’t want to be with him.

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