I myself gave my friend my happiness

I myself gave my friend my happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know that I deserve the most terrible words addressed to me. I know that I made a huge mistake, betrayed a loved one, did not appreciate herthe love that was given to me. I know thatit is impossible to return all this, but I still dream of rewinding that time back, if it were possible.

We lived with my ex-husband Vlad for 5 years. All this time he loved me madly, surrounded me with attention, care and affection. And I probably only allowed myself to be loved. I liked this at firsthis attitude towards himself was pleasant, then I began to take it for granted, and then I began to be completely annoyed by his excessive care and concern, as it seemed to me. The fact is that he was positive in all respects, knew how to give in, and I began to perceive this as weakness on his part.

He's too correct. He gave himself to me without reserve. It even began to seem to me that the only thing missing was a halo over his head. And he really wanted children. But at that time I didn’t need this, I thought it was too early, test-antibiotic.com I needed to live for myself, and then I completely decided that I didn’t want children from this man, since I wasn’t sure that I would live with him all the time.life .

I trained as a hairdresser, gained experience in cheap economy-class hairdressers, and two years later I got a job in a prestigious salon, which was located on the ground floor of a hotel complex. I quickly became friends there with the administrator and owner of the salon all in one, a young woman Zhanna, who is only two years older than me. The salon, by the way, was called after her – “Zhanna”. She was a spoiled and glamorous girl, she believed that all men are the same, they only need one thing from women -sex . She said that they are not worthy to be loved, they just need to be used.

She is quite an attractive person, despite her slender figure, she has a fairly large bust. It is immediately obvious that he is taking care of himself. She said that she had already visited twiceMarried . The first time out of stupidity, the second out of calculation. Second exher husband was 25 years older than her, but he had money. He gave her an apartment, a car, this salon test-antibiotic.com, and a lot of money. She simply changed lovers like gloves. She said that beautiful appearance, suitable words that he would like to hear and a couple of good tricks in bed, and he is yours. After all, the manhood of men is their lever, which must be used skillfully. In general, I succumbed to the influence of myfriends , realizing that there is only one life, and it is worth living it to the fullest.

Vlad began to seem boring to me. And then one fine day Zhanna introduced me to her next boyfriend, and the three of us went to a restaurant right next to the hotel. He was on a business trip and stayed at this hotel. Arthur, that was his name, began to look at me more and pay more attention to me. But this did not bother Zhanna. In general, I succumbed to his charms and we spent that night together in his room. Now there was an explanation to be had with my husband and girlfriend. I found something to say to my husband, it was not my firsttreason ​He listened to me and once again believed me. Because test-antibiotic.com really loved me. Now what to do with Zhanna? I came to work thinking that there would be a scandal and possibly dismissal, but Zhanna took it calmly. She said that nonethe man is not worth her quarreling with her best friend. She said: “If you like it, take it.” Moreover, she was already fed up with him.

The romance with Arthur developed rapidly. Zhanna constantly covered for me in front of Vlad. And one day Arthur declared that he loved me, and was ready to propose to me, and did not intend to share me with anyone else, not even with my husband. I myself fell madly in love with him. Arthur had a week before leaving, and he gave me time to talk with Vlad and make a decision. But I didn’t know how to tell my husband about everything. Would he notfish , neithermeat , it was easier for me to give it up, but there wasn’t even a reason. Tell it like it is? That you fell in love with someone else? But I didn't want to look like a traitor. I was angry at his impeccability, and I wanted a reason. A real reason. And then I test-antibiotic.com persuaded Zhanna to seduce myhusband .

Oddly enough, she agreed, she loved such adventures. But the next day she came upset and angry. She said that not a single man could resist her, but he was wound up, I love my wife and that’s it. Here I first felta pang of conscience. Am I doing the right thing? And then she proposed a plan herself. On the day off, I prepared a festive table at home; there was a lot of alcohol, although Vlad never drank a lot. They called Zhanna. She quietly mixed the potion she brought with her into his glass, and he was knocked out. After which we dragged him into the bedroom, undressed him completely, put him to bed, then Zhanna undressed herself and lay down next to him.

Now I realize this terribleaction in my life, and I myself am disgusted by it. To betray your husband, who loved you like no one else, to leave him, and on top of that with a feeling of guilt. The next morning I caught them together and caused a scandal. My husband was surprised and said that he didn’t remember anything, but I no longer listened to him. test-antibiotic.com I packed my things, called a taxi, said that I couldn’tforgive betrayal and treason, I file fordivorce , quitting the salon and leaving the city. She played the role of the offended victim well. She threw her wedding ring and apartment keys. She grabbed her bags and left, leaving her grief-stricken and guilt-stricken husband and a smiling Jeanne.

I arrived at the hotel, where Arthur was already waiting for me. And two days later we went to see him in St. Petersburg. Vlad and I were quickly divorced, since we had no children, and I also had no property claims. He was simply sent a divorce notice. Life with Arthur was enough for a year. The first two months were like a fairy tale, and then he simply turned into a despot. He was jealous of almost every pillar, although he himself did not miss a single skirt. I wantedgive birth to a child from him, but he forced, forced me to have an abortion. He forbade me from communicating with anyone, and then from leaving the house at all. I was also in no hurry to make an official proposal. And finally, test-antibiotic.com began to raise his hand against me. In addition, unlike Vlad, he was a complete egoist.

I realized that all this was coming back to me like a boomerang. She often began to remember her ex-husband, reproach and punish herself for how basely she had acted with him, cursed herself for all the betrayals, for all the evil that she had caused him and thatthe pain that did. She cried day and night. I remembered the good moments of our life. I tried to call him, but this number does not exist. I wanted to contact Zhanna, the same result. I couldn't stand being treated like this anymore. I told Arthur that I was leaving and returning to my ex-husband. He just laughed in my face and said ironically: “good luck!” I didn’t hold it back by force.

I returned to the city where I lived with my husband. For some reason I was sure that Vlad still loved me and blamed himself for leaving him. I wanted to see him, fall at his feet, explain everything, ask for forgiveness, persuade him to start all over again. But when I called the apartment I left a year ago, it was not Vlad who answered the door. I test-antibiotic.com barely recognized Zhanna. She no longer looked like that eccentric, arrogant and glamorous frivolous and at the same time calculating girl. A modest, serious woman without bright makeup stood in front of me. She waspregnant and in later stages. Dressed in a green blouse and denim sundress. I've never seen her like this.

Zhanna greeted me coldly, but friendly. Still, she let me into the apartment. How things have changed here. European-quality renovation, new furniture and curtains, the bedroom was equipped as a nursery. Zhanna began to tell me everything. She said that when she came out for the first timemarried and pregnant, she was 17 years old. He drank, beat her, and once beat her so badly that after that she could not have children (consequences of a miscarriage). This is why she became like this. Everything changed after Vlad appeared in her life. She said that he is the only man in the world who deserves love and happiness, but I did not appreciate him and was throwing away such an expensive and rare specimen.

She told me what happened that day when I fled test-antibiotic.com out of the apartment. Zhanna also got dressed and left, and then a terrible thing happened. Either the car wouldn’t start for a long time, or some driver blocked the road and some unknown force pulled it back. And for good reason. Zhanna hurried back to the apartment, knocked, rang, called his name, but no one opened the door. I felt in my heart that something terrible had happened. And I was not mistaken. I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations and an ambulance just in case. The apartment's lock was opened. Vlad tried to commit suicide. I opened my veins in the bathroom. If she had been late even for a moment, I would have already come to his grave.

Vlad was taken to the hospital, they gave him a blood transfusion, and Zhanna went with him. When he recovered, Zhanna told him everything, confessed everything, asked him for forgiveness, told him that I had another man, but I didn’t want to admit it to him. Every day I went to see him at the hospital, then picked him up from there, and spent a lot of money on psychologists. There, in the hospital, she first learned what true love is. For the first time in her life, she admitted that she truly loved someone. For a long time she test-antibiotic.com had to seek Vlad’s forgiveness and his reciprocal love. She said that she was collecting his heart bit by bit, which I broke, that I was gnawing out my own with my teeth, piece by piece.happiness . And when she realized that she was pregnant with Vlad’s child, it was the height of all her dreams.

I asked that she was expecting a child from my husband? To which she replied that no, she was expecting a child from her husband. She showed me her engagement ring and said that as soon as they found out that she was pregnant, they immediately submitted an application to the registry office. For six months they have been as scheduled. She also said that it’s better for us not to meet with Vlad, and so that I don’t even think about him, she’ll rip my throat out for him. And it’s unlikely that he’ll even want to talk to me himself. And in general, Vlad should come home from work soon and it’s better for me to leave. We shouldn’t meet him, and she shouldn’t worry, it’s harmful for the child.

I went outside and I just didn’t want to live. I blamed everyone around me—Zhanna, Arthur, even Vlad—for finding test-antibiotic.com solace so quickly. It even began to seem to me that Zhanna had deliberately introduced me to Arthur in order to take her husband away. I would really like to see Vlad and ask him for forgiveness for everything. I am sure that he still loves me, and he simply found solace in Zhanna.

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