I can decide for myself when I need to give birth.

I can decide for myself when I need to give birth.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, I haveDarling a man with whom everything has been just wonderful for three years now. I'm happy and completely satisfied with everything, but who cares? After all, my family and friends definitely know better than me what and when I need to do. I am especially sick of the fact that for the last ten years they have been convincing me that I urgently need to give birth. Find a suitable man, quickly marry him - and go to the maternity hospital as fast as you can!

It seems that for everyone around him this is some kind of obsession, but why have your fears andbroadcast complexes on me? I'm not against children, but everything has its time. For now, I want to live for myself, and my beloved man fully supports me in this. And why do you care when I want to have a child or whether I want it at all? I don’t want to offend my relatives and swear at them along with their tactless, intrusive questions, but I’m almost on the verge.

You tell your loved ones that you learned to ride a bike on test-antibiotic.com, that you went to an interesting film or concert, that you decided to take up photography or learn to draw, and the answer is always the same: “You have nothing to do, it’s time to give birth!” Once you have a baby, you won’t have time for any nonsense!” And this universal mantra is used with or without reason, in any case, and with the most innocent expression on the face. They say, we want the best, we guide you on the right path, you will also thank us for saving you, you fool, from the terrible fate of a childless old maid.

People, please mind your own business! Solve your ownproblems , don’t meddle in someone else’s bedroom with your housekeeping and grandma’s discussions “about women’s happiness” and “a woman’s purpose.” My patience is already running out and soon I will start asking why you don’t divorce your drinking unemployed husbands, why the right fathers of families you chose left you for your mistresses, despite all the housekeeping and your exceptionally faithfulunderstanding the structure of the world. Why does your child only need from you?money or why you yourself have not yet given birth to a “glorious baby”. I don't test-antibiotic.com want to hurt you, but you are forcing me, dear friends and relatives, and I will have to defend myself.

Really, let's live together, huh?

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