It's my own fault that my husband has lost interest in me

It's my own fault that my husband has lost interest in me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am already an adult and have lived part of my life, but I realized one thing that mylife is not worth a penny, and in principle no one needs me.

It all started after the death of my father, almost 12 years have passed. With his death, my world collapsed. I didn’t want to live, eat, or sleep. At that moment all my dreams were shattered. A month later I came to my senses. I became rude, callous, a little unbalanced. I started drinking, smoking, dating men who were an order of magnitude older than me (I was 16, he was 32, we dated for almost six months, police captain Dima), then there was another 28-year-old.

In general, there were quite a few of them, probably that’s how I tried to get somethingmale attention , which I lacked. Then I met an ordinary guy 9 years older than me, I really liked spending time with him, it was fun to be with him, I could talk, just sit in the dark. His touch sent shivers through my body. I married himgot married and we lived more or less normally for 4 years, and then began.

He stopped paying attention to me, giving me time, aboutsex I generally keep quiet. It so happened that I cheated on him with my godfather more than once. He found out about this and seemed to forgive, after that we had a daughter (the eldest son was 4.5 years old). We were happy, everything seemed to be going well. It was only an appearance, I lived all this time not being myself. I understood that he no longer needed me and he lived with me for the sake of the children (he loves them madly, children are everything to him).

As time went on, it infuriated me more and more, I began to haveproblems that I created for myself just to attract his attention. But it was all in vain, he didn’t care. Now we have been living together for 10 years, I was bornson , he is almost a year old. I understand that I have already sunk below the plinth, that with my lies I always tried to attract his attention, I was looking for adventures for myself, so that he would pay at least a little attention to me. But, alas, he said that I was not for him.wife , and he lives with me for the sake of the children, they will grow up and then he will leave. So I was left with nothing, as they say.

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