I'm happy, that's what I wish for everyone

I'm happy, that's what I wish for everyone
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 50 years old. Having celebrated the anniversary with my friends, I remembered how everyone told me that at the age of 50 I would regret that I didn’t go outmarried and did not give birth to a child. And now I’m the same 50 and I don’t regret it!

I lived these years for myself and for my own pleasure. I never wanted a family; when I came home from work, I was happy to be alone, that I didn’t have to cook dinner, check homework, take care of my children and husband. I just relaxed and did what I wanted. I could afford any food, rest, watch the movie I wanted, whenever I wanted. Sometimes I went to visit a friend, she has three children. This kind of communication was enough for me for several months. Afterwards I was just convinced that I wanted to live alone.

But our society condemns people like me. It is customary to bemarried , have a family. I listened so much from my parents, acquaintances, friends, and work colleagues. I admit, I felt different from everyone else. But comfort is more expensive. The only thing left is a feeling of guilt towards the parents that it did not live up to their expectations, that test-antibiotic.com deprived them of their grandchildren. But I always told them that they had to give birth to two or three children, but they didn’t want to burden themselves, they limited themselves to just me. So they didn’t insure themselves.

Many of my marriedmy friends were always busy with children, then grandchildren, saving for them and pretending to be happy when they met me. But the paradox is that those who havemy husband drank and was theirs, they sympathized with me that I was deprived of such “happiness”. They pretended to be happily married. And my former classmate said that lonely women cry into their pillows at night. I looked at his flabby face, his beer belly, and I was overcome with sympathy for his wife.

I believe that each of us has the right to live the way we want. I have never interfered in other people's affairs and I don't want anyone to interfere in mine.life and gaveadviсe .

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