I'm strong, I can handle it

I'm strong, I can handle it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Nowadays, you can achieve anything if you have the desire, of course, to achieve at least something... I was able to test this in practice. Over the past three or four years, so many unpleasant things have happened, but the positive attitude has not diminished. On the contrary, already now, having rethought everything sensibly, I am ready to thank God for all the trials sent, since they were the very “roasted rooster” that pecked in the butt and forced me to move forward towards the intended goal.

Everything was quite normal just four years ago. Husband , little onedaughter . I sat at home, took care of the house, and at the same time managed to think that it was very difficult for me. It’s even funny that she was so stupid.

A year has passed. I got seriously illMom had a stroke and was paralyzed. They performed an operation, but it was not possible to restore motor functions. She was discharged from the hospital, and for the past three years we have had a constant hospital regime at home - beds, meals at certain times, children's whims “whether I want it or not.” Yes andLife has not stood still during this time; now our family has not one, but test-antibiotic.com three children. Someone says that we are crazy that we even decided to have a third baby. And what do they really care if I care about no one but myself and myI don't count on a husband . I work a little myself, to the best of my ability, of course. And I don’t want to sit in one place like before.

Actually, I wasn’t going to cry into my vest. I just wanted to show that in any situation it is important to never give up, but to keep going, or even stubbornly crawl forward. This is the only way you will be able to achieve everything and not break down during the first storm.

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