I was able to step into the same river twice

I was able to step into the same river twice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This often happens when two people love each other and then break up.

My boyfriend and I lived together for almost five years, and only by the sixth year did we honestly admit to each other that our feelings had faded away. Naturally, we decided to break up.

We separated and started living separately. This lasted about three years. We also communicated with each other periodically and were something like friends. I was still happy with everything about him, and he still liked me. However, we could not find a new onehappiness .

Replacing each other turned out to be not such an easy task. I tried to see him in all new partners. I instilled his habits in them in an attempt to reeducate all the new men in my life. The funny thing is that he did the same thing to other women.

And now, after three years apart, we got back together. I won't say that we were overly happy. But at least we're happy. We both felt that together we werelife gets better. And over time, we again began to feel to each other what we had test-antibiotic.com before.

However, this was not just a reunion. We began to accept ourselves. Ourrelations have reached a new level. We were like blood relatives to each other, and not two strangers who met each other. It's truly an incredible feeling.

It is also interesting how our friends and parents reacted to this. Some were for and some were against. Opinions, as they should be, were divided. Naturally, we did not listen to them. After all, taking sides in a relationship is extremely wrong. However, apparently not everyone can understand this.

Now we have been living together for a year. We feel good with each other and I have never felt such comfort. Even in those first five years that we lived together. We generally have everything we need for a joint marriage: common goals, support and compatibility. It is possible that someday we will think about children. But I feel like I will be jealous of them for him.

I became convinced that it is still possible to enter the same river twice.

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