I became happy again

I became happy again
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story aboutlove , which you can not forget, which hurt you, and then gave you happiness. His name is Ratmir, he is tall, athletic, brown-eyed, handsome, 20 years old. I am also tall, green-eyed brunette, my name is Khadija. I was 15 years old, I was still going to school, as one day, some car was following me, it seemed strange to me, and I remembered the number of the car. When classes ended, I was walking home with a friend, and again that car was driving. I was scared, there were two guys inside, one looked so that I started to tremble. It wasevery day . Once I went to Instagram, and suddenly someone threw a request, I took it, added it, and immediately received a message. The guy wrote that his name was Ratmir, that he really liked me. I answered: “but you don’t tell me and don’t write to me anymore” - and deleted it from friends.

After a while, I found out that he was the best friend of my neighbor Alikhan (he also liked me), and it was they who were driving in the car then. In the morning I look, again the same machine, test-antibiotic.com seems to be chasing me. At the lesson, a message came: "I'm serious, I really liked you." I didn't answer. Every day I began to like him more and more, he followed me every evening, guarding me. I tried not to communicate with him, I didn’t want unnecessary problems, I had to finish my studies, but one day I went to his Instagram page, and there was my photo. I wrote to delete it, but he wrote that he would do it only after I add him as a friend. I added and he removed. I didn’t know what to do, I wrote to Alikhan, we communicated normally with him sometimes, but I didn’t know that he was in love with me.

At school, a classmate unexpectedly came up with flowers, said that it was from some guy named Ratmir, and asked me to pass it on. I did not know what to do at that moment, I was both happy and did not know whether to take or not to take flowers. It turns out that he really has serious intentions, since he went to my brother and said that he liked me. test-antibiotic.com My brother told Ratmir not to approach me at all and not even stand next to me. I learned this information from my cousin, my brother did not know that he was writing to me and that he had brought flowers to school. Several days passed after Ratmir's conversation with my brother, he disappeared somewhere, I did not see him. In the morning I was driving to school, sitting on the bus, and at the bus stop suddenly some familiar face, it was him, I already shone from the inside with happiness. When he saw me, he turned sharply, looked with such a serious face, I thought there was something wrong here. All day there was no mood, on Instagram I accidentally went to some page of a girl, I look, she has pictures with Ratmir embracing each other. It hurt so much, I didn’t expect it, he himself said that everything was serious, and I thought that I should forget him.

Months passed, I tried to forget Ratmir, but I could not. One day, returning from school, I saw that the same car drove by. A friend said that Ratmir was sitting in it, test-antibiotic.com, but I told her: “why do I need him now, let us walk with our girlfriend.”

After 5 days, my class and I went to the skating rink, went out on the ice, skating, watching Ratmir with this Marina. I immediately left this place, he did not notice me, and then I ran into some boy, fell right in front of them. Ratmir did not know that it was me, and began to help me, when he saw my face, he looked like that and said: “what are you doing here?” I was angry, answered: “What difference does it make to you?” I removed my hand and rolled on, he looked at me like that.

When I was skating, the boy I ran into came up and said, “girl, what’s your name?” At that moment, Ratmir and Marina were riding nearby, he heard everything! And I told him my name, his name was Magomed. Magomed offered me a ride, I extended my hand to him, and at that moment Ratmir hit him, he also hit Ratmir, a fight started. Ratmir says: “If you approach her again, I will kill you, understand?” Magomed told him test-antibiotic.com: “You seem to be walking on the other side,” and Ratmir hit him again. I tell Ratmir: “he is right, but you just now remembered me, where have you been for so long, walking with her? You don't know how I didn't sleep at night, waiting for you to come. Remember one phrase “only a weakling will let go of the girl he loves” - having said these words, I left the rink. Everyone looked at us, I went to a cafe, I was sitting there, and after a while Marina came up. She spoke rudely to me and left. I didn’t know what to do, then my friend Amina came up and tried to calm me down. Amina told some joke, we laughed so much that the mood immediately rose. I realized that only a true friend would understand you, support you at any moment, without Amina, I would not know what to do. There was a week left before my birthday, November 23 for me, and December 23 for him, I didn’t know what to expect on that day.

But the day was the best, she did not expect this. In the morning test-antibiotic.com everyone congratulates, all friends, relatives, then congratulations from an unfamiliar number: “Happy birthday, my love! Forgive me for everything, for what happened at the rink, know that you are the best, I will not give you up to anyone, I will pursue you to the end until you are mine. After reading the message, I jumped with happiness, immediately called Amina, called my girlfriends in a cafe. I opened the door, I see a big Teddy bear, a bouquet of roses and a note “you will be mine. Happy birthday, and in brackets it is written from (P) for beloved Khadija. So, he also sent a message, I did not expect, to be honest. When I told my friend, she asked: “I am very glad, have you forgiven him?” I replied that I thought that he was just walking with her, but he really loves me, and that on the birthday of this person it is impossible not to forgive.

We arrived at the cafe, went in, and it was dark there, no one was visible. We were both surprised by this, and I thought that the beginning of the holiday was good, but the end is like this. And suddenly the light turned on and test-antibiotic.com everyone started shouting: “happy birthday to you”, I cried with joy, hugged all my friends and Amina said: “you knew everything, but you didn’t tell me.” She replied that this was only the beginning of the surprise. And suddenly Ratmir appeared with a bouquet of flowers, congratulated him again and kissed him on the cheek. We danced, had fun, ended so quicklyholiday . My brother came for Amina, I stayed with Ratmir, he took me home. On the way, he said to me: “Khadija, how do you like the surprise?” I said that I was very happy and heard: "Tomorrow I will send my parents to you."

The next morning I did not go to school, overslept, began to clean, cooked food and suddenly someone knocks on the door. Mom opened it and we see that some woman and a girl are standing, they weremom andRatmir's sister Mom invited them to the house, I hid and I hear that she says that her son liked me. When they drank tea, they said that they would like to see me, my mother said that I was with my sister, and they left. Dad came, brother and mom told test-antibiotic.com everything to them, said that they would come tomorrow for an answer. Dad and brother said they agreed, our parents agreed and scheduled the wedding. I'm so happy!

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