I'm not at all glad that my wife returned to me

I'm not at all glad that my wife returned to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my future wife through mutual friends, first became best friends, and thenthe relationship started by itself, everything is like everyone else, handsomethe novel was a beautiful wedding surrounded by family and friends, and then everything didn’t go as desired.

My wife got new onesfriends , and our entire familylife had receded for her not even into the background, but into the background. In addition to new friends, a new job was added, thanks to the same friends, and family life practically disappeared, andthe wife turned into a kind of “strong woman.” In fact, the wife simply spat on the family and began to live for herself and her friends; she, like many others like her, developed “personal space”, “ambitions” and a “desire for self-realization”. And no matter what I said, and no matter how I spoke to her, everything was perceived with hostility, and I was exclusively an enemy, trying to crush her and crush her under myself, after this anyone would have a desire to end such a relationship, and I had it too.

I increasingly began to regret my marriage test-antibiotic.com and increasingly began to think about divorce. And then the accident. A broken spine in two places, a broken neck and ribs, a closed head injury, operations with intensive care followed by rehabilitation and recovery. To be fair, I will say that my wife, although not often, came to see me at the hospital, brought things and food, but all this was not from the heart and soul, but only because she “had to.”

We communicated without scandals, but there was no longer any emotional closeness between us. In general, at first I was in the hospital for a long time, after home, and already at home I returned to what I had given up many years ago - video games. One online game got addictive and I met a very good and kind person in it. At first we only talked about the game, and then we started talking about life. We became best friends with that person, after which he introduced me to the same players on the forum and literally within a year, thanks to friends and the game, I got out of depression and began to test-antibiotic.com forget what it was likeloneliness .

Imagine, I myself began to learn to move and walk again. To this day, I am not fully capable, but I already walk with crutches and can fully take care of myself. Over the course of several years in the game and on the forum, I made a whole bunch of friends, we go to gatherings every year (we meet in real life outside the game and on the computer), communicate and become friends. Thanks to friends and their support, I was able to return to a normal life, I had, albeit small, but still goals and desires, one might even say dreams and hopes. I am gradually building my life and I believe that everything will work out for me.

Of course, there was a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. I don’t know exactly what happened, but my wife suddenly decided to return. We lived separately for several years, she had a career and new friends, a new social circle, and in all of this I was clearly the odd one out and therefore withdrew. And I myself learned to live differently a long time ago, began to live a different new life, began to earn money by freelancing test-antibiotic.com on the Internet, found many friends and a hobby (game). I'm not a fool and I understood that my wife was still young and beautifulgirl , that I’m such a disabled person and she doesn’t need a cripple, and that, of course, she’s had someone for a long time, it’s just pure psychology and physiology. And here you are, my wife returns, begins to smother me with her attention, interest in my life, worries about my physical and psychologicalhealth , begins to talk “about us” and “about our relationships.” And to tell the truth, I don’t really know how to react to this.

I learned to live differently, I learned to live without her, I survived everything, and I stopped waiting for her and our family a long time ago, and now suddenly everything has to change, but why and for what? Her career didn't work out? New friends and a new circle were not what she imagined and saw? And why does she need me, after all this time, especially like this? Has her relationship on the side ended or failed? If all this had happened a few years earlier, even before the test-antibiotic.com accident, when I was still fighting for our relationship and waiting for her, I would have been only glad and happy, I would have begun to build these relationships with renewed vigor. But why now?

I went through everything a long time ago, and so did she, and now again playing family and pretending that nothing happened? How long will this feigned idyll last this time? Until a new job and new ambitions and friends? I haven’t changed, moreover, in her understanding and in the understanding of her friends, I have only become worse, because now I am a cripple and will remain so for the rest of my life, I will not be able to walk without crutches, I will not be able to return to a full life. And soon everything will get better for her again and I won’t be needed again. I understand that I should have gotten a divorce a long time ago, but I didn’t want to think about all this at all, I started living again and rebuilding myself and my life and I didn’t want to think about the past at all, but now it’s like this. For a long time now there have been no feelings, no emotions, no test-antibiotic.com even simple affection, and I am sure that the wife does not have either, but we are again faced with this question. I don’t know what to do, or rather I know what, but I don’t know how to do it in such a way as to separate from my wife without causing her pain, and especially without becoming enemies.

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