I missed the moment when my son came under someone else's influence

I missed the moment when my son came under someone else's influence
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

All this is actually very strange and to some extent terrible, everything that is happening now to my 10-year-old son.

He always grew up as a cheerful and obedient boy, he studies generally well, although he is lazy at times, he is finishing 4th grade this year, in general, everything went well with us until a certain point, namely, until he made an older “friend” him for 4 years. At first I didn't even know about its existence. This whole story began with the fact thatmy son stopped doing his homework (I learned this from teachers at a parent-teacher meeting), began to bring in bad grades, all the teachers unanimously claimed that he had become very absent-minded and inattentive. Conversations with him did not lead to anything, all I heard was childish excuses like: “Come on, mom, just think, I’ll improve.” No, I haven't corrected myself. My son also began to often go out for walks, in his words “with classmates,” and then nothing alarmed me, on the contrary, I was glad that he had such friends with whom he spends test-antibiotic.com time almostevery day .

But then all the absurdity begins. One day I find out that my son, it turns out, was lying to me: all this time he was hanging out not with his classmates, but with some guy from high school, with whom, in his words, “he is now best friends.” After talking with my son, I only learned that he was from the 8th grade, and they met on some kind of excursion, where almost all the classes of their school were there. To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. To all my questions he answered that everyone in their class was stupid and in general no one understood him better than that boy. Trying to somehow understand this strange situation, I asked my son to introduce me to him, since he really is such a good friend, to which he became very nervous and said that maybe someday, but he doesn’t know for sure yet, will it work at all? From the very beginning, nothing but bewilderment aroused me - excuse me, but what can connect a 4th grader and an 8th grader, what common topics can test-antibiotic.com have? Maybe he’s just mocking him, and his son takes everything at face value? Well, everything turned out to be much worse than I could have imagined.

Just yesterday it was fatalconfession from my son. He left the phone on the table and it was opencorrespondence with that guy in which they constantly exchanged hearts and other incomprehensible messages. Of course, I immediately demanded an explanation. I saw from my son’s face that he was wildly scared at that moment, but in the end I still managed to get the truth out of him. He said that that boy was already much more than just a friend to him, that he liked him, and was talking some nonsense about the fact that they were both in love with each other or something like that. And finally the ground went out from under my feet when my son said that that boy “taught him how to kiss like an adult,” and he really liked it, and in general they were almost dating him.

I could barely stand this whole story, my first reaction was, of course, test-antibiotic.com tears and swearing, because this is completely abnormal, my son seems to have become a victim of some kind of juvenile pervert (I didn’t think it was possible to be one, being a teenager, what else can you call it?), but I overlooked this moment. I’m just going crazy, I can’t tell my husband (although I should), but I’m even afraid to know what will happen to him if he finds out about this. Conversations with his son do not help, this freak has crippled his psyche so much that he no longer understands where the boundaries of what is permitted are and that what they are doing is wild and disgusting.

You are probably my last hope. I really want toto return my son to a normal state and not let him ruin his childhood, I want him to grow up as a worthy person and not bother himself with all sorts of nonsense.

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