I'm tired of my husband's criticism and reproaches

I'm tired of my husband's criticism and reproaches
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, married, and have two children. My husband is good, works (military) and has no bad habits. Family and children, that’s all ourslife . Overall our life is not bad. But there are many moments that make me not feel happy.

I am a little overweight (with a height of 172, my weight ranges from 70 kg to 75 kg) and this problem has been with me for many years since my thyroid gland was removed. MyFor many years, even before the birth of children, my husband has been reproaching me for my weight. Limiting my self-esteem in every possible way. At the beginning of the relationship, he saw my weight, knew that there was an operation, and then he also told me: “lose weight, lose weight, or I won’t be with you.” Then, when they got married, he says: “lose weight or I’ll leave you.”

My weight is stable 70/75 maximum. This is my weight, I feel comfortable in it. After the first birth, I lost weight to 62 kilograms, then the weight returned to my level. And since then, everything in our relationship revolves around my weight. I developed a lot of complexes. test-antibiotic.com I never eat with my husband, he always watches how much I eat. Now, when he comes up, I don’t want him to hug me, I subconsciously think that he will say that I’m fat. In general, now I have begun to give all my attention to the children. I pick up my husband from work, the table is set, the bath is filled, and then I take care of the children or something around the house.

But lately my husband has started saying that I don’t pay attention to him at all. That I will wait until he finds someone who will give him attention. He says I'm like a stone. But he doesn’t understand at all that my behavior is a consequence of his reproaches towards me. I’m thinking about divorce, because I have feelings, but they are no longer the same. Everyone left with the words spoken by their husband. Two children, it’s a pity that they will be without a father.

Regarding “lose weight, and there are no problems,” I will say that it is extremely difficult for me to lose weight. I stopped taking hormonal medications, which I must take for the rest of my life, as they cause weight gain. When I lost weight to 62 kg, my test-antibiotic.com husband also said that I needed a little more. And there were also some reproaches. I have no one to talk to, so I’m writing here.

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