I'm tired of living with an unloved husband

I'm tired of living with an unloved husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was left alone with a three-month-old baby in my arms,my husband left me, my parents never helped me with anything, that’s probably why I started working part-time in a store at the age of 15. And so I returned to my mother’s house, no one was waiting for me there alone, and here I was with a child. Don’t think anything bad, my parents are normal, just with their own positions in life.

I lived with them until the child was 2 years old, myMom made every effort to make it clear that we were disturbing them there, and I decided that it was time to go outmarried , needs a childfather and somewhere we must live. I went to work when the child was still a year old, mymy brother helped me, sat with him, and at work I met my futurehusband . He was good in everything and treated the child normally, not to say that I fell in love, no, I only thought about myself and my son, he will endure and fall in love, as they say. But no, a year later I got a second onechild , test-antibiotic.com and after a while my husband started drinking, he doesn’t offend me, he just annoys me, he annoys me in everything, not only when he’s drunk.

We’ve been living with him for six years now, and in this house of his I’m simply suffocating, alllife passes me by, how tired I am of living with an unloved man and in his house. Many will think, go away and that’s it, but here everything is much more complicated, the house was bought with maternity capital from his parents, according to the documents it’s a children’s house, but he and his parents kick me out, I don’t like it, leave, they say, but where will I go? . Throughcourt , I understand that the house will go to me and the children, but there are constant threats from my husband that he will wait for the house with me, I even wrote a statement to the police.

How I hate this man, who would only know. I also have a disabled child. Everything is already arranged here, that teachers come to our house, and if I go to my mother, it’s unlikely that she will be happy with them either, and test-antibiotic.com and my husband, they also began to irritate me, they interfere with the child’s studies. I don’t know what to do anymore and what to do with all this. Even if we get the house, it definitely won’t let us live here peacefully, and it’s impossible to sell this house, since the amount for which you can sell this house won’t buy anything with an equivalent area. So it turns out that I don’t live, but endure.

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