I want my parents to get divorced

I want my parents to get divorced
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents have been together for quite a long time. When I was born, everything was fine. When I turned 6,The relationship between my father and my mother worsened. I wasn’t even 6 years old yet, but I already understood that everything was bad.

In my opinionbirthday (I was 6 years old then)my father raised his hand against me for the first time. I filled it for a long time. E repeated for several more years, but he did not raise his hand against me so much, but he offended my mother and even strongly, not in terms of physical violence, but moral.

At one point I couldn't stand it anymore and started hating my father. To be honest, I don't even look like him, I'm just like my mother, so I stopped considering him my father. I've been wanting them to get divorced for a year now! I can see howMom cries much more often than before and it's all because of Dad.

My mom has a car,apartment , work, my father has practically nothing. I told my mother last year about divorce, but she only said: test-antibiotic.com "don't say anything". But I can already see from the family environment that she will be happier this way.

I will stay with my mother and on my mother's side in any case. I want to tell her about the divorce again, but I'm afraid that she will continue to live with this person.

Tell me, how can I tell my mother about this correctly?

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