I forbid my daughter to celebrate Halloween

I forbid my daughter to celebrate Halloween
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since mid-October, all the talk at work has been about celebrating Halloween. And also memories of the past All Saints' Day.

I’m not a supporter of such masquerades, but I have to pretend that I’m interested in it too. So as not to be a black sheep. I can’t understand where so many lovers of a holiday that is foreign to us come from? This is very angry and annoying.

And yesterday I calledmy sister asked if I was preparing a suit for myself and my daughter for that night. I answered no. She was surprised. After all, last October, she and I bought a pumpkin together, and the children and I cut out eyes and a mouth in it. Candles were inserted.

My sister said that you can’t be so selfish. Children love scary movies about Halloween and we definitely need to celebrate it, at least for the sake of our daughter. She heard our conversation and immediately began to whine. My daughter is 10 years old - what Halloween?

But her sister brought her a witch costume in the evening, and bought a skeleton costume for her son. She's her godmothermother , so she decided to please her niece and goddaughter with such an original gift.

Seeing my dissatisfaction, my sister left, test-antibiotic.com even fromrefused coffee . AMy daughter is now sulking at me. Calls back with girlfriends, discusses makeup and costumes. She tells everyone that she will be a witch.

I was also angry that my sister bought this suit without consulting me. Or at least already chose a princess or Malvina costume. The husband supports his daughter. He says that this is not a celebration of all evil spirits, but just a reason to fool around and have fun.

My husband said that if I didn't change my mind and go to my friends' Halloween party, he wouldn't celebrate New Year's . Everything has already been agreed. Friends have a private country house. They invite everyone with children. They said that they even bought costumes for the dog and cat. Horror!

Funny and sad at the same time. Grown people do such nonsense. Children are also taught to do this. Nowadays there are plenty of such horror stories in everyday life. Take this coronavirus, for example. I don't want to see pumpkins or their ridiculous costumes and makeup. I don’t want to pretend that I’m having fun.

My husband and daughter said that they would go without me. So test-antibiotic.com will be even better. I can't spoil themholiday .

I've been crying for several days now. What to do?

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