I regret that I did not forgive my husband for cheating

I regret that I did not forgive my husband for cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a similar story in life, I also want to return to my ex-husband. I was in a relationship with my first husband for 10 years. They lived, soul to soul. A child was born. When the child was 3 years oldThe husband was the first to go on a spree. Nightclubs, life for yourself. No attention to us with the child. Everything at home was on me, plus work. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

True, he also worked hard, earned good money, but that's all. He distanced himself from us. Then he offered an open relationship, and then, in general, rent an apartment for himself and live alone, so that he could go to clubs and not wake us up in the morning. I'm tired of this. It was like that for almost a year and a half. But we had a common business. And I was afraid of divorce. I was afraid that he would take everything from me, or set me up. And I have not seen a life together with him already. Relations have become very bad, fights, swearing, public insults.

Then somehow I met with our mutual acquaintance, he is older, he is divorced. He guessed about our problems, said that test-antibiotic.com would help me, protect me if anything. I just got wings, finally hope that this can all end.

I kicked my husband out of the apartment. They began to live separately. We only saw each other at work. She told him we were going to get divorced. In the end, he got angry, either from a divorce, or from the fact that he realized that there was a person in me who was on an equal footing with him and would stand up for me. On the basis of all this, I began an affair with this acquaintance, fell head over heels in love. My husband dissuaded me, said, do not mess with him, you are very different, not your type. He persuaded us that we would solve everything peacefully. I took it all with hostility, I understood that he could not put up with it, that there was someone to stand up for me. Divorced with husband. And he left, leaving everything behind. The apartment was agreed to be sold and divided in half.

He left and never showed up again. He took the child rarely, once every two months for a couple of hours. Alimony paid the minimum. There was only one answer to everything needed - there is no possibility. In the meantime, he himself borrowed money somewhere, opened his own company, test-antibiotic.com, and did not bother us. Six months after the divorce, I got pregnant from this new lover, bought a house (partially with a mortgage), we got married. My new husband did not seem to be from the poor, but at that moment his times were not the best. In general, I provided for myself completely by myself, and I did the repairs in the house myself, and the general expenses were divided in half. A child was born, from the first days they sat in turns, I went to work almost immediately. All this everyday life began, and I understood that either he had put too much on me, or I myself.

He did not work, I was with the child for half a day, I was also at night, and I went to work for 5-6 hours, took home a lot of papers from work. I became nervous and dissatisfied with all this. And he began to pretend that I owe him the fact that he helps me during the day with the child. Considering that he was at home all day and did not work anywhere at that time. He lived on savings, saved on everything, and in the plans, apparently, he hatched in the future to live on my test-antibiotic.com account. Instead of the great love of the savior, she received the hassle of an age-old man who strives to sit on his neck. And yes, he also abuses alcohol. My first one turned out to be right, it’s not a couple for me at all. Sometimes I call up and correspond with him. It seems we start on trifles, talking for the child, but notes of regret slip through his voice and mine. He hints to me more and more that he seems to have walked up and realized that happiness is not in this,

And I, once again, running away from the scandal of a drunken hubby, answer the messages of the former and understand that this person is close to me in soul. He is educated, purposeful, energetic. He proved to himself and to everyone that he was worth a lot by leaving everything and starting all over again. I really respected him for that. In my eyes, he turned from a boy who did not walk up into a real man. I have different feelings. On the one hand, if all this had not happened, I would not have understood how good it really was with my first husband. Everything test-antibiotic.com that I did not like about it lately, I suddenly fell in love with. If this man had not appeared, my second husband, I think,divorce would be very painful. Sometimes I think, after all, we lived well. And then I think, but I divorced him, because there were reasons, and there were terrible scandals.

I think he loves me more. And I know that I love you too. More meaningful love. Accepting and forgiving. But life has changed so much. We scolded each other so much to all our friends. I have a small child from another man. Everything collapsed. And all relationships with other relatives. And nothing really new was built. I think that if we went to another country where no one knows us and started all over again, then maybe something would have happened with us. But I have a child already from another. And he won't leave us that easily either. And I don't know if he even needs it. But I am very sorry about everything. I have like test-antibiotic.com in that song: "firstlove was not taken seriously ... ".

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