I knew that my husband never loved me

I knew that my husband never loved me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married for great love, butlove was only on my part, and I understood it. I hoped that with the birth of the child everything would change, but I was wrong. Husband He loved his daughter , earned money, provided for his family, but there was still no love for me. He didn’t offend me, we lived without quarrels and scandals, we went to see our parents, bought a dacha, everything was like everyone else’s. They even envied us, not knowing how we really live.

When I started talking about having a second child eight years later,my husband was categorically against it. He said that he would immediately apply fordivorce if I have another child. But I didn’t listen and a year later I gave birth to a son. I expected my husband to immediately melt when he learned that a boy was born. But no. He went to his parents for three whole months and picked me up from the maternity hospitalBrother .

The husband returned saying that whenson will go to school, our familylife will end. After that my life turned into hell. My husband ignored me in everything, stopped coming home on weekends, and test-antibiotic.com I realized that divorce is the best thing that can happen. My parents tried to dissuade me, but I had already decided everything. My son was already five years old at that time.

After the divorce, the husband got married, andhis wife bore him two children, and there was also herschild from his first marriage. I don’t know how his family life turned out, whether he is happy, but they are still together. The children have grown up, the daughterI’m married , and my son started drinking and now he’s a complete alcoholic. He never had a family, and that’s for the best. At the very beginning of this trouble, through my parents, I conveyed to my ex-husband a request for a meeting. He didn't come, but he called. When I asked him to talk to his son, howfather , he replied: “This is your son, I didn’t want him.” And I was left alone with my grief.

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