Why do I need all this?

Why do I need all this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Roman , I'm 15 years old. AllIn my life I led a healthy lifestyle, had no bad habits, never did anything bad to people, was always a kind person, but never happy.

I have a lot of diseases, of almost all organs, that are not asymptomatic and this interferes with my life too much, because... Something always hurts and worries me.

Nature also endowed me with a terrible appearance: protruding ears, a crooked jaw, a large nose. Because of this, people, especially my peers, don’t even want to come near me, not to mention the attention of girls. By the way, I have been very much in love with one for several years, but naturally without a chance.

There is only swearing in the family,The money is running out, every day my situation is getting worse and worse. Things like lack of money don’t worry me much, but appearance and illness are forever, it’s simply incorrigible and it’s very difficult to live with.

Every morning I wake up with a sore head and discomfort throughout my body, I sleep for 5 hours and can’t take any more, again due to some illness. test-antibiotic.com And I would like, like all other people, to be loved, to hug, to be photographed, to rejoice. Why am I not given all this? I don’t like to feel sorry for myself, but the thought always comes to me: “How can all this go to one person who has never harmed anyone?” How can you live on? Where can I get the strength for this?

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