Why did I need this strange marriage?

Why did I need this strange marriage?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We lived with our first husband for 25 years. He died. At 43, I was left alone. The children are adults, received higher education and went to live in the northern capital.

For a year I could not find a place for myself from grief, althoughhusband was an alcoholic andLife with him was not honey. Then for about six months I asked God to give mehusband . There was a desire to love and be loved. But for myself, I firmly decided: I will not have any married men!

We introduced him to one, and after the first meeting he barely escorted him out; he asked for money for a taxi. Then my friend and I were invited to visit to get to know each other. Was there at that timemy sister's man , they dated for several months. I had toacquaintance , I was worried and, seeing an acquaintance there, we of course began to communicate.

I perceived him as a friend, nothing more. We all talked together, of course, at the set table, then we started dancing and at some pointmy friend went out into the street, followed by the man I came to meet. My sister's friend test-antibiotic.com attacked me first with kisses, and then threw me to the floor, not paying attention to the fact that I resisted, and forcibly did his job. I cried, I was very upset. How could you? What about your sister? He replied thatmy sister was close to that man too.

Then a week later I told my sister everything. And we started dating him, we’ve been together for seven years now, we got married, but I don’t have trust in him, only suspicions,jealousy , but he doesn’t make much excuses. I feel coldness and indifference towards myself from him. And I really want warmth and attention.

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