Forbidden fruit destroys the soul

Forbidden fruit destroys the soul
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a simple guy. I live alone, I graduated from the institute a couple of years ago, I work. The salary is good, so I can afford to travel around the country.

Somehow, out of boredom, I went into one game and met a lady there. We chatted online for a very long time. At some point, I wanted to meet, she said that she was married, and I'm far away. But I liked the person so much that after waiting for my vacation, I came to her city and rented an apartment. When I invited her for a walk, to say that she was in shock is to say nothing. But she agreed to meet.

I enjoyed spending time with her and she looked very happy. That day I decided to just arrange a date, bought her flowers, we went to the cinema, and then walked through the park, sat in a restaurant, eating pizza. I perfectly understood that she was married, but I felt so good with her that I did not want to let go. She herself did not want to leave, saying that she had not had such pleasant emotions for a long time.

I liked her not only as a friend, I really wanted to kiss her. And at the end of the evening I kissed her. It was the sweetest and most passionate kiss of my life. After that, we began to communicate often, she told me about herself, and I about myself. And two weeks later we met for the seventh time and went to my house, then it’s clear what happened, both enjoyed it, I didn’t want to let her go. Then we met for a long time. From the very first time, my conscience began to torment me. Yes, it was good, but she has a husband! And they lived 12 years together.

We talked about all this, she said that everything was fine with her, and that I should not worry about it. After a while, we stopped seeing each other. We talked and decided that all this was just passion and nothing more, although we not only did this, we often went on dates, and it was just good together.

It's been a year and I feel terrible. I almost ruined someone else's family simply because I was pleased with the feeling that wanted me, this feeling intoxicated me and I am ashamed that I did this. I wrote and asked for forgiveness from that girl, she, in turn, apologized to me very much, I don’t understand why, because I was the culprit of the situation.

The forbidden fruit is sweet, but it poisons the soul and then harms. I felt it myself, I feel like a monster.