My girlfriend's prolonged depression

My girlfriend's prolonged depression
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been friends with Masha for a long time, although everyone around us is surprised at this, because we are very different in character. I am cheerful, sociable, easy-going, Masha is constantly dissatisfied with everything, closed, does not like noisy companies. Over time, her melancholy began to only intensify, but I tried not to pay attention to it, what can you do, a person has such a character.

Masha works as a teacher of mathematics, and her constant complaints about life, about students who do not like mathematics, about colleagues who are trying to get around in their careers, about the fact that it is far to get to work. I advised to find a job closer, but she said that she did not want to get used to the new place, everything is already familiar here. When I say I don't have time to listen to hera friend is offended that she has no one to talk heart to heart with,the husband is constantly at work, and when he comes home, he either sleeps or watches TV.

Masha has a first-grader daughter, my goddaughter and friend loves her very much, she can talk about her for hours and show her photo. It always seemed to me that this was her the only joy in life, but it so happened that Mashkin's husband fell in love with another and left the family. Girlfriend is now unrecognizable, soliddepression and even my daughter somehow became indifferent. She does everything mechanically, constantly cries, and I no longer know what to do with her.

I try to support her, immediately rushed tohelp , I sit with her for hours, I even stayed overnight several times, but most of all I am annoyed by her helplessness and not wanting to somehow control herself. She began to do less and less to her daughter, to pay attention to her. When I could no longer restrain myself and began to scold her, she said that this was not such a great grief, then my husband left, grief is when he is sickchild , Masha was offended and said that since I did not understand her, then there was nothing to come to her.

Also, my husband began to get angry that he had abandoned his family, children, and so all this month he himself was engaged. But I feel sorry for her, because she has no one but me, her parents live in another city. True, she didn’t communicate much with and used to communicate, so how can they help her now. But what can I do if she doesn't want to help herself? It's just a pity for the child.

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