Envious environment

Envious environment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Alllife (and I’m 36 years old), people from my circle are trying to teach me about life - either they are trying to correct my actions or my appearance: it’s not nice with a beard, the shoes are bad, I bought an apartment in a bad house, a bad car,son (11 years old) goofy, newmy wife , in their opinion, is not what she should be, my new jeans don’t suit me, my hairstyle is not the same, my hobby is bad (photo), etc.

In fact, I went to pieces and completed the repairs in a record month and a half, and we live in a new apartment with good repairs (for friends, such repairs take years). I have a cool beard, I dress a little more fashionably than I should (I’m 20 at heart), my French car has helped out other friends more than once, my wife is a homelyThe girl doesn’t like to drink and sit somewhere, the son is like everyone else, he’s a goof for his age.

I don’t drink at all, I don’t need get-togethers with drunk friends, I prefer to relax alone, I like to photograph nature, to be alone with it. I occasionally see a few friends, and I, like test-antibiotic.com, am usually not like that.

What is this, envy?

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