Greed or laziness?

Greed or laziness?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I think everyone has unpleasant memories of guests, like the author of the story. I also have one such story. I still don’t understand how this is possible.

My eldest nephew is now 15, when he was about three years old, he visited me, and my schoola friend invited us tobirthday to my son. He was also turning three. We bought a gift and left.

They arrived, everyone was sent to a large room, we gave gifts. There were several other friends of ours with children the same age or younger. Entertainment included: toys, a tent, a labyrinth, a rocking horse. So we sat for two hours and watched the children play. Then we were called into the kitchen to eat cake. The birthday boy blew out the candles, the hostess cut off one piece of cake for everyone, and poured one mug of tea for everyone. All! It’s good that children at this age don’t finish the cake, I finished the rest for my nephew and we went home.

A friend (former, but not because of this incident) has always been like this, she loved to eat, but did not cook. But she loved going to cafes and ordering all kinds of sushi I don’t understand why it was impossible for guests to order the same sushi or pizza, for adults (we all welcomed this, except nursing mothers). At the same time, our other friend always invited us to her children’s birthdays, even when we were childless. She and her mother-in-law set a luxurious table, and we left there having eaten well and deliciously.

Once, for her birthday, she said that she didn’t want to cook anything, she wanted sushi. OK. We chipped in, ordered a huge set, brought a bottle of champagne each, and had a good time. Many years later I was bornchild , by that time I had only one friend, he and his girlfriend always came to myholiday and to my daughter. I honestly said that I had no time or desire to cook, there would only be snacks and cake. No problem at all. Still, we didn’t leave hungry.

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