It's a pity that parents are not chosen

It's a pity that parents are not chosen
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 56 years old and my parents are 80. Throughout my adult lifelife I remember the misunderstanding with them. It will take a lot of time to explain my whole story; I’ll tell you only part of my life.

I was 9 years old, mymother was pregnant, she had a book for expectant mothers, which told about the birth of a fetus, etc. Having seen the pictures and what I was able to understand due to my age, I told my friends in the yard.

Soon he came to my parentsfather one of the girls, my parents were going to the cinema, after listening, my father in a separate room began to beat me, throwing me from bed to bed, choking me. I cried and screamed a lot, my pregnant mother did not try to protect me in any way, only my little grandmother hysterically screamed at my father not to touch me.

Afterwards, the parents calmly went to the cinema. An even earlier case: I’m 8 years old, my mom, dad, grandma and I are watching the movie “Girls” in the evening. The ending of the film - noses get in the way, like kissing, and at the end of this I laughed and immediately received a good slap in the face from my father, I was at a loss. Mom just muttered something, my grandmother began to defend me, scolding my father. Later in life there were many episodes, rudeness, many insults, but most of all it kills me that neither age nor gray hair teach people?

I’m 55 years old, my parents came to congratulate me, celebrated beautifully, went for a walk, gave them nice gifts as souvenirs, for 2 days everything was fine, for 3 days we were in a hurry from work to sit and have lunch, but my parents weren’t at home (at a meeting with my father’s sister). I remind you that they are 80 years old, they come - the father is pretty drunk, a drunken noise has begun, etc. I say to my mother: “Why didn’t you keep an eye on him?”, and I immediately say to my father: “Go, sleep in your room, and I leave (I didn’t see him), but I understood. He flew up to me with his arm outstretched and his fingers clutching my hair,husband was there on time. We didn’t talk in the following days until they left, and the most interesting thing was my mother’s position again.

Further calls as if nothing had happened, no apologies. I am very offended in my life, for every incident with from early childhood and to this day, I am tired of such relationships. At a loss, I can only say that parents are not chosen.

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