I regret that I forgave my husband for cheating

I regret that I forgave my husband for cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to write a continuation of my story about another betrayal of myhusband . In general, I left him, then returned (I know that I’m a weakling and don’t value myself), they started living together again, he said that all his love affairs were in the past and I had nothing to worry about.

I won’t say that everything was fine with us, I don’t even want to retell everything, he wiped his feet on me, he doesn’t care about me, and I myself don’t know what’s wrong with me, shackled by the wild fear of losing him and my blind love, I’m ready to endure everything , if only he was nearby.

And then from mutual friends I learned about his beloved. This is a 16-year-old girl who is old enough to be his daughter (he is 35). We all play together in an amateur theater. I know this girl very well, I wouldn’t even dream of such a thing in my worst nightmare.

I told him that I knew everything, gave the facts so that he could no longer lie to me. He said that everything was in the past, and he would not have entered into test-antibiotic.com with herrelationship , but just wanted to stroke my vanity (lying, of course). I don’t know what’s wrong on her part; most likely, she’s embarrassed by the age of her adult admirer, but I think that she also has sympathy for him (otherwise my cunning hubby wouldn’t run after her like a little dog). I work at the local Palace of Culture, I am forced to see her, play in plays. I always chat nicely with her and pretend that I don’t know anything. Only I know what it costs me. I want to howl, and personallife and work are all ruined by my hubby.

And the worst thing is, I don’t know what’s happening now between her and my husband. It’s useless to ask him, he’ll lie anyway and make me feel guilty, but something tells me that he’s still trying to achieve her. In this story, we are both to blame, he for betraying our family, and I for betraying myself.

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