I regret that I did this to my friend

I regret that I did this to my friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

During my school youth, it was popular among my friends to make pen pals. We didn’t have computers then and we didn’t use the Internet. So we just wrote paper letters and sent them by mail. We usually found the addresses of pen pals in youth newspapers and magazines.

One day in one of the magazines I found the address of a guy who was also looking for friends. It all started with a letter in which I described all my interests, hobbies and offered friendship. I didn’t have to wait long for an answer andthe guy sent the letter quickly. Communication through letters really fascinated me. I was 12 years old then, and my new virtual friend Maxim was 15. I wrote letters to him both at school and at home. She described all the events in my life, congratulated the young man on the holidays. Letters from Maxim were tender and touching. We exchanged photos and I really liked him. After a couple of months of correspondence, I simply fell in love with someone whom I actually hardly knew. Maxim began sending me nice souvenirs and even wrote test-antibiotic.com lyric poems that he dedicated to me. We lived in different cities, but he really wanted to meet. Our youthful epistolarythe affair lasted about six months. Then I had real romanticrelationship with the guy from next door, and I lost interest in my out-of-town friend. Maxim still continued to bombard me with letters, but I answered him very rarely.

2 years passed, I was 14 years old, andFriendship in letters was no longer very interesting to me. But Maxim continued to write and even demanded a meeting. In one of the letters he wrote that he wanted to come and visit me. Then I sent him a reply, in which I apologized and said that I could not accept him and wanted to complete ourcommunication . Two years have passed since my last letter, and I no longer thought about Maxim. I was 16 years old andlife was in full swing. And then somehow I returned home, and mymy sister says that a guy is waiting for me in the room, who introduced himself to her as my friend. I was surprised, because there was a stranger sitting in my room, test-antibiotic.com I had never seen him before, and he seemed very strange to me. I was even scared then. But the young man jumped up and came up to me, smiling. It turned out that this was the same Maxim with whom I had once corresponded. But I couldn’t reciprocate his feelings or even smile at him.

Firstly, I was shocked by the meeting, which I did not expect. Secondly, for some reason he did not evoke any sympathy or trust in me. Thirdly, he was supposed to come to me soonmy boyfriend . Embarrassment and anger fought inside me, and then I was outraged by his courage. So I simply told him that I was not ready for this meeting, apologized and sent him out. Maxim instantly became gloomy, asked for forgiveness and left.

Now I understand that it was very rude of me. I think it was worth talking to him at least a little. Many years have passed and now I sometimes remember this unsuccessful meeting. At such moments I feel funny and a little ashamed. Still, I wonder how life turned out for my pen pal.

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