I wish happiness to the woman I love, but I don’t want to let her go

I wish happiness to the woman I love, but I don’t want to let her go
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story happened 23 years ago. I met a girl, she was a little younger than me. I fell in love with her very much, but she very rarely told me this.

They started living together, visiting houses, visiting friends, drinking vodka. I didn’t listen to my relatives, or didn’t hear them. I wanted to seem cool to her. When she waspregnant , I already hadproblems with the law. She gave birth to a son while I was sitting. All the years that I sat, communicated with other men, there wererelationship , and I understood her. I had a sentence of 15 years.

He came out and started living together. Everything seemed to be fine until friends met again, drinks again, and deadline again! Came out. Vodka, aggressiveattitude towards her! But it's time again! Here she writes that she met someone else, loves her, etc. And I am very happy about this, that the person I love will find hishappiness . But in my heart I don’t want to let her go, although I understand that this is not right. I love her so much!

What do i do?

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