My wife is against my communication with my son

My wife is against my communication with my son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got divorced when my son was only three years old. They separated from his mother with scandal. For a very long time after that we could not find a common language. She looked after her son too much, not letting go of her even a single step, and did not trust him to me even for an hour. My son grew up scared and very nervous. I lost the fight for him in court, although I fought for a whole year. As a result, I only managed to meet several times a week in her presence.

This was hard for both of us. She couldn't just be there. She interfered in our games, conversations, she didn’t even like the way I put a sweater on him. All this led to scandals. Soon, she completely stopped letting me see her son, citing either his illness or bad weather. I sought custody, but never achieved anything. As a result, I visited him in the kindergarten from time to time, this was the only time we spent together, although this was the formerthe wife tried to interfere. She slandered me to the teachers, tried to ban meetings. But she did not succeed, because they knew me well in this kindergarten, I often helped them paint something, repair something, and never refused help. They knew that I was not at all what they were trying to make me out to be.

A year later I met Dasha. Soon we got married. She knew what I hadson , that I pay child support, but that suited her. After all, I didn’t devote much time to him, and she thought that it would always be like this. But by this time my ex-wife had also arranged herlife . I met a man and went outgot married and calmed down a little. We were able to agree. It was even more convenient for her for me to meet my son myself, to walk with him alone, freeing up her time. Additional expenses began. Gifts, toys, attractions. The expenses are small, but my wife and I manage the budget, so she noticed them right away.

Quarrels began. At first she began to remind me how bad my ex-wife was, how she insulted me among our mutual friends and continues to do so. Calling me a bad father and telling me that I abandoned my son. She said that she was manipulating me and twisting ropes, setting her own conditions. She said that then she would again reduce my meetings with my son, and again would prevent us from seeing each other when she had extra time. I asked you not to spend itmoney for him in addition to alimony.

We don’t live richly and don’t live in luxury. I listened to her and didn’t understand what my son had to do with it. To ourHe does not affect his relationship with his wife in any way and should not suffer from it. He is very similar to me both in appearance and character. Kind, inquisitive. I love him very much and want to raise him. But the wife is against it. She really doesn’t want me to interfere with him in our lives; she considers the time spent with him stolen from her. Threatens to suedivorce . SheI’m pregnant and I attribute such statements of hers to hormones, but I really don’t like it. She wants to deprive me of the right to raise a child in a full-fledged family, if she is serious. I appreciate and love her very much, in all other respects she is wonderful. She cooks delicious food, supports me, and takes care of me. But herJealousy sometimes goes beyond boundaries. She is jealous of me and my ex-wife, with whom we sometimes talk on the phone about our son or meet when I walk with him. She gets angry and cries. Begs me to stopcommunication with my son, saying that he will give birth to his own and will compensate me for everything. She asks me to move to another city, she is looking for work and housing there.

I do not know what to do. How to explain that a child is not a toy? That my ex-wife and son will always be in my life. That I can’t take it like this andforget about them. And divorce is not an option either. Dooming another baby toI won't be lonely .

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