My wife is indignant that I earn little

My wife is indignant that I earn little
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We lived well untilmy wife did not go on maternity leave. They could afford a vacation and a restaurant on weekends. She has a highly paid job, but now she may lose her job.

Now I'm aloneI earn money , she stays at home with the child. He also starts talking to me about mortgages.

What kind of mortgage? For me to get involved in this? What about her? Why is it that as soon as a woman gives birth to a child, she gets the right to sit on the man's neck?

We were preparing for the birth of the baby and saved up some money. But, of course, we could not even imagine that difficulties would arise with my wife’s health after childbirth. Teeth require treatment, and this is now an expensive proposition.

Now this onedepression appeared. I give money for the dentist, but my wife says that this makes me very nervous and doesn’t want to take it. What should I do now, persuade her? How can you not be nervous if you barely have enough money until your next paycheck!

The wife accuses him of inattention to her and the child. I'm tired at work, I'm trying to earn money, but she doesn't understand this. He thinks it’s hard only with a child. She often helps hermother . So there is time for relaxation and manicure.

My mother-in-law annoys me with her behavior. He constantly says that I don’t love my son. Hence my wife has this attitude towards meattitude . But I can’t kick her out, it will be even worse.

I'm waiting for my wife to go to work. There will be more money, maybe less quarrels. But it's not soon yet. My son is only 7 months old. She does not agree to a nanny, although it would be an excellent solution.

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