My wife secretly deposited money into her bank account

My wife secretly deposited money into her bank account
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know how typical my situation is, I don’t know how to behave further.

My wife and I have been together for 16 years, of which 3 years in a civil marriage, we have two children. For the first 5 years we had a budget that we formed together, I always knew about her income, she knew about mine, there were no secrets, and still she knew everything about my income.

Naturally, I supported the family completely when it was on maternity leave, but most of the money in the family budget was mine. Slowly, the entire financial burden shifted to me. I will say thatwe are a wealthy family , I make good money. My wife also worked, but after the first decree, she said that her salary was not high, that's right, for hairpins, and she spends on a child. At the same time, I paid for everything and her sports, beauticians, clothes, a housekeeper, a car. I bought an apartment for my eldest child, and they constantly asked me to help, either to my mother-in-law, or to lend to my brother, to add on large expenses (of course, half did not return).

And the truth came out completely by accident. My wife's friend let it slip in a conversation with, and I pretended to know everything. As a result, I conducted an investigation, and I was very offended that I didn’t know anything, apparently, they didn’t trust me.

It turned out that for 11 yearsthe wife took all her salary to the bank (I found both receipt stubs and extracts), and the wife’s salary turns out to be not a penny, but very solid. And even during the second decree, she managed to replenish the account with my money.

He presented everything to his wife and asked for an explanation. Here are the explanations I received:

She wanted to have hermoney . It's her airbag suddenly something happens to me. She is from a poor family, and therefore it is more reliable, I do not know how to save. Perhaps she planned to buy an apartment for her youngest child with them.

But I didn’t get an intelligible justification why it suddenly became a secret from me, and I also didn’t get an answer why then I helped her relatives, although she had money.

More tears and apologies. After all this, I set the condition that I support all family expenses, and she finances herself and all her desires and needs, including the purchase of a new car. And I’ll write down the house that we were going to build to my mother, also just in case, and paying less taxes is savings.

There was a tantrum that I want to rob her to the skin. Then I don’t know what to do, the trust is gone. Together we have always been good, and sex, and life, and children, and free time, but now what to do with trust, get divorced?

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