Women cheat from lack of attention

Women cheat from lack of attention
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a lot of different stories here. I measure some things against myself, but some things just irritate me. It's mostly whiny men that piss me off - that's for meMy wife cheated, she's so bad. Sorry,The question is this: “men, have you ever thought about why a woman went to the left, probably not because of a good life.” Many people write “I gave her everything.” What did you give her - a golden cage where it’s hard to breathe, or do you think that we are machines for producing your offspring and cleaning up after you?

No, the first thing you need to understand is that we are women! And as long as you don't give it to usforget , we will move mountains for you. I'll give you my example. I havefamily with 13 years of experience. Every day I feel from minehusband's admiration, respect, desire. Every time he opens the door for me, no matter where it is, every time he says: “God, how good you are.” Yes, if I cook empty pasta, he will eat it as if it were food from a restaurant.

Believe me, with such a husband test-antibiotic.com, a mortgage, a hut, and nails broken from work seem like trifles. If someone in the family has gone to the left, look for the problem in yourself, and not in the one who is cheating. My advice to you: talk to each other before cheating, change everything at once, look for the pros and cons together. Stand strong for each other. Good luck everyone.

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