Is construction a woman's job?

Is construction a woman's job?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I work at a construction site (I don’t lay bricks, of course, but I had to learn the terminology and the peculiarities of communicating with foremen). I’ve been reading for a long time and I want to tell you about a painful issue. Let myConfession seems like a minor problem, but I still want to talk it out.

The day before yesterday I ordered a container for another construction site, everything seems to be fine. In the evening at half past seven I get a call, I press the “Answer” button, and there: the subscriber is calling you using the “call at a friend’s expense” option. I thought maybe the eldestmy son is calling from someone else's number,ran out of money or something. I answer, and there... the mechanical cleaning department has come to change the container! The driver doesn't hit the mark in Russian, which is a fairly common occurrence at Moscow sites. I explained through the stump-deck what and how, it seemed like I explained it clearly, slowly.

I go down to the security and through the video surveillance of the territory I watch the idiot who has arrived. I understand that women sometimes confuse left and right, but this case is clearly neglected. The driver drove into the territory of a neighboring property and cannot turn around to go back. I don’t know how you can confuse small unfinished townhouses and eight-story buildings.

This driver calls again and again “the call is for on a friend’s account.” I explain to him again, trying not to yell. Finally he got to us, threw off the empty container, picked up the full one, and I saw that he was throwing the garbage out of the container! I call and he doesn’t answer the phone. This is where I exploded, called the mechanical cleaning dispatcher and yelled about Dzhamshut being brainless, and about the “call at the expense of a friend,” and about the alternative talent of their staff.

Today there was a continuation of the story. The call, the same ill-fated mechanical cleaning, “a call at the expense of a friend.” Another Dzhamshut, no less gifted in alternative ways, got lost and came to his neighbors’ construction site. Tomorrow I'll go have a dispatcher in a particularly perverted form. I think that if I, a woman, was able to understand the peculiarities of construction and am able to park quickly and correctly in any conditions, then the vaunted stronger sex can also learn this. Even if not right away. The main thing is to stimulate them correctly, and for this the best way is money, or rather, fines.

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