I live in the past and don't want to change anything

I live in the past and don't want to change anything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My life has reached a dead end, and I don’t know where to move next. I have become an adult a long time ago, but it lives in my soulchild . I’m already over thirty, I live separately, I earn money myself, but I can’t psychologically separate myself from my parents. And I probably don’t want to. I don’t have a family, probably because I’m not really trying to create one. I never wanted, like many teenagers, to leave my parents, to leave, to live separately. I always listened to them and in general we lived peacefully.

Until now, mentally I am with them. This is expressed not only in telephone conversations, it is physically difficult for me without them and lonely. We see each other 2-3 times a year for 7-10 days. After these meetings it’s even harder. I remember my childhood, how good it was then and I want to go back there. They no longer have any hope that I will havefamily . This all sounds very strange, but I was always like this; after classes I didn’t go for a walk with my friends, but rather hurried home. I wanted us to always be together. Many will say that test-antibiotic.com we need to come back and live together, since it’s so sad, but I’m afraid that someday they will be gone, and I will be left alone, without a family.

If my parents had also lived with theirs as adults and had not started a family, they would now be lonely, as my grandparents are gradually passing away. I understand the absurdity of my desire, but I’m not used to living differently, and I don’t know how to change myself. It’s hard for me to get along with new people, and if I do, it’s with people who are similar to me. Cheerful and lively people are not interested in me. Scold, sober up, have pity. I don't want to accept reality.

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