I live for the children

I live for the children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Each of us has our own story, perhaps, and I’ll tell you about mine. I'll start with the fact that myfamily (mother , stepfather and younger brother) are very prosperous: no one smokes, no one drinks, but there was no trusting relationship with any of them, I always carried everything to myself, was silent.

In the evening, while walking with my friends near my house, I noticed a guy looking out the window from the 5th floor. He shouted something to us and smiled sweetly. That day I didn’t attach any importance to it - you’d think the young guy was just fooling around.

After 3 months, I was returning home and saw him near my entrance, he lived in the second, and I lived in the third. He was in a company of friends and, when he saw me, he was a little embarrassed, but he made up his mind and said: “Give me your numbers.” My heart was beating wildly - he liked me! We started dating, quietly next to him I began to drink, smoke, not spend the night at home, first sex... not the way I imagined it, everything was rough, I had a choice: if I love, test-antibiotic.com then I will give myself, if not, then we break up. I stopped coming home, my parents didn’t support me, I trusted only my boyfriend with all my secrets. We lived with his mother, who often drank. For some reason, she immediately fell in love with me and called me daughter.

One fine day, juvenile inspectors came to us and took him and me away. I understood whose hands it was – my mother. I shed so many tears when I found out that he was going to prison (he was 18, and I was only 14). I begged everyone to have him with me, I prayed to God that my loved one would not remain convicted. And a miracle happened, my words were taken into account: I said that everything was by mutual consent.

Time flew, my 15thWe celebrated our birthday together. Then a delay. I'm expecting a baby. “Darling, you will soon become a dad.”

To be honest, I didn’t expect such a reaction from him: he laughed, the laughter was hysterical. I came home to my parents: “daughter, go get an abortion.” I didn’t know what to do, how to live further. We left the child, test-antibiotic.com butthe guy changed a lot: he started beating me, threatening me, I even caught him at home with another woman. I have never been in so much pain before.

I was in conservancy for more than a month. While I was undergoing tests, I went for an ultrasound. There they told me thatthe child will be born sick - Down syndrome. They scheduled a premature birth, and then there were a bunch of other complications. I didn’t believe everything that was happening to me, I cried non-stop. I wrote a refusal and left the baby - I was expecting my son. In the hospital they filmed the beatings, and I admitted that it wasThe child's father beat me. Next wascourt _

I couldn’t feel my legs out of fear, fortunately my mother was nearby. She accepted me for who I am. My civilianthe husband was very repentant and asked to give him one last chance. I loved him and asked my mother to make peace with him. And so they did.

Startednew life . Having learned that the child would be born sick, I heard from him: “What, did you spoil the child?” Again screams, tears,hospital _ I realized that things couldn't get any worse. He never called me or visited me.

I returned test-antibiotic.com to my parents, but I was worried about where he was and with whom. As it turned out, he left for another city without telling anyone. Then I thought that if it weren’t for the child, my life would be better. My parents suggested that we all change our place of residence and go to another city, so that nothing would remind me of the traitor, and start a new life.

Time does not heal,The pain hasn’t gone away, and I’m due to give birth in a month. When the contractions started, my mother went with me to the birth, and imagine - God gave me a healthy son! There were no deviations, everything was normal! Tears of happiness, joy, the meaning of my life was born! I graduated from school when my son was one year old, because in that city they kept me in the second year and did not allow me to take exams due to absences.

A year passed, I was raising my son and I met a young guy. He accepted his son and we got married when I turned 18. We were expecting a daughter, but my husband wasn’t particularly happy, he just wanted everything to be like everyone else’s. Everything repeated itself as in the first test-antibiotic.com relationship: he runs to his ex-girlfriend, kicks me out of the house with the children, insults me, and said that we are the worst thing he has ever had in his life. He started smoking cannabis, but thank God he works, and at the same time he reproaches me for the fact that I sit at home with the children and have no income from me. I’m afraid of him, I immediately remember everything that happened several years ago and cry. He doesn't love my parents, doesn't respect anyone but himself. Now I’m thinking: is it worth enduring all this again, or filing for divorce? My parents will help me rent an apartment. Or maybe save the family?

I recently found out that my first boyfriend got married and had a son. You know, I don’t care, but the resentment has stuck inside for a long time.

I am 18 years old, and so much has happened in my life. It's hard for me. I love my children very much, and I understand that they need a happy mother, not a tearful one. Why do I need such trials, Lord? I realized that I don't want to love anyone anymore. There is only maternal love .

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